77) Big Day?

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The new morning has come and I excitedly dress up pretty and grab the wooden sword as I head to thr training room only to find Sam and Firefly that seems in a yoga together. "Good Morning (Y/N)!!! Join us!!!" Firefly wave her hand excitedly towards my direction as she's still sitting on the yoga mat.

"Kafka and Blade are out for a mission today." Firefly said with a smile as she patted the space between her and Sam. I have a pout on my face since my sister is out again plus Blade is out too with her.

"I wanted to help you train but your sword might end up on ashes." Sam's robotic voice is heard as he still chilling on his spot... 'Does yoga have effect on robots like him?'

I sat on the yoga mat or rather... laid on it feeling a little bit lazy for today since no one can train me. "Today is an lazy day then..."

"Well we can do something, like cooking, watching, or playing?" Firefly suggested but I shaked my head, "I'm kinda interested in cooking but I might waste more ingredients..." I said with a sigh but I sat up since my attention is grabbed by her.

"Cookies are pretty basic, I'll leave the dough making to you and leave the baking to me." I'm in high spirit by her cookie suggestion and we straight head out to the kitchen leaving Sam in the training room...


"High-five!" I high fived with Firefly as we succesfully made a cookies together, "This is good! I hope they will like it!" She nodded with a smile as she took another bite on her cookie. "So you've made any progress with Blade?" I sighed heavily and shaked my head with a sad face.

"Well... He's a Stellaron Hunter member now so you two have more time to hangout soon, just be patient." Her words put a hope in me and nodded with a smile and full spirited. 'I wil make you fall in love with me... just wait!"


Currently it's 10:30pm right now my sister and Blade is still not returning... I'm slightly worried but as Elio said earlier nothing will go wrong in their mission but what is keeping them late.

"When are they going back..." I stood up from my bed and head to the training room to practice, I can just watch some in the internet, mobile phone these days are convinient. If only I can contact my sister, but she must be busy this time so it's the best if I don't interrupt her work.

As I was walking to the training room, someone tackled me on a hug from behind, "where are you headed to, my dear?" I smiled hearing my sister's voice and hug her arms that was wrapped to me. "I wanted to train a little bit. How did your mission go?" She giggled and let go of the hug so I can face her, "It's actually pretty easy, Bladie's matches is always pleasure to watch."

"Head to sleep, we have a big day tomorrow." She take away the sword from my hands and dragged me into her room. "A big day? Why?" I'm confused but she hugged me as we lay down on her bed. "You'll see it tomorrow, Let's sleep. I'm tired too."

Author's Note:Kewk short chap but rn I'm on a vacay and as a good grill and a good daughter I secretly installed hsr on my dad's phone😁 I'll use this experience to wrote a good summer special chapter✍

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Author's Note:
Kewk short chap but rn I'm on a vacay and as a good grill and a good daughter I secretly installed hsr on my dad's phone😁 I'll use this experience to wrote a good summer special chapter✍. I should've upload this earlier morning but I was focused on the trailblaze mission earlier (still not done tho).

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