73) Weird

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It's been a month since I've joined this so called group 'Stellaron hunters'. At first I was socially scared to them rather I'm scared that something will die again infront of my eyes but after that it seems Nanook stopped hunting me.

I was befriended by Firefly who is naturally kind and softspoken, in fact I was starstrucked by her cuteness. She have somehow a relative of Sam an robot that is a Stellaron Hunter too.

The second was Silverwolf, can't blame her since she is always busy on her games, she was hard to approach that time. In the end I used to be interested in games too like her so we often hangout pulling all nighters which... makes my sister scold us both.

Another day has come and I woke up 1:00pm, I only had 6 hours of sleep after pulling an all nighter with Silverwolf since we were hard core playing the Spiral Abyss for the upcoming patch which feature Arlecchino. Both of us are not guaranteed so we need extra work to grind primogems.

I stretched out and freshen up myself before I went to the kitchen to see Elio peacefully eating lunch. "Good... Afternoon... (Y/N). It seems like you want another scolding from your sister." "Good Morning..." I yawned again and sat down.

"It's already afternoon..." as I look around Sam, Firefly, and Kafka is nowhere to be seen. "Where's the others?" Elio stood up from the seat when they finished up eating and spoke, "They went to get someone... another Stellaron hunter member."

After I ate my lunch I went back to sleep again and suddenly a loud commotion right outside of my door wakes me up. "Gentle! He have a deep wounds." Firefly worried voice is heard followed by Silverwolf that was talking and chewing her gum, "he's still alive at that point?" That makes me get out of my room.

"Sam get those med kits faster!" Firefly was so busy that she didn't noticed me to go inside of the room. As I go inside my eyes widened seeing a man with his clothes teared and his body is covered with fresh cut wounds that soon will be added to the scars that almost covering his body not to mention the hole on his chest which is unstoppable gashing of his blood from his chest.

Upto this day I become the Stellaron hunter Nurse, I learned healing and aiding to stop the death of my loved ones that I mostly fear. I promised to my self after what happened to my family and to my friend that I treat like my little sister, I won't watch anymore deaths this time. I wanted ro protect those smiles... the innocent child smiles, fantasy, and happiness even if it cost my own life.

"Achk!" She jumped out while holding the med kit as she saw me inside the room and suddenly Elio walks in and ordered me. "This man posses and indescribable self-healing ability. Still please do aid him." I firmly nodded my head as I get the med kit on Firefly's hand.

I clicked my tongue as I see the bandage wouldn't be enough for him not to mention that I need to clean his wounds again sooner. As a nurse it's my happiness when I see the medical supplies are complete but this time it's making me stressed. Thankfully my sister just arrived carrying a bag full new medical supplies, "It seems we need more of this now, especially having Bladie as our new member."

I didn't waste any more time and aid his wounds, I started at his chest where a hole was made because of a sword, I asked for Firefly's help to assist me wrapping the bandage around him. He was still unconscious after I clean all his cuts in arms and hands, I'm sure it was all made by sword.


I leaned on the bathroom wall as I let the water from the shower ran to my body, "I'm... somehow... spent..." It was a lot of work aiding this person, and his cuts is no joke who was the person who did this to him its just so cruel... After that I came back in his room to keep watch on him and check his vitals too.

As I was finding his pulse on his wrist I saw his eyes started to flutter open suddenly my surrounding changes as if me and him were on my own realm where time doesn't exist for the both of us. It's all because when our eyes met and locked for good 10 seconds. His blazing crimson eyes is enough to capture my whole being to surrender and wanting to be with him.

In short moment he sit up from the bed probably startled by a new presence of stranger which is me, that makes him groan since his wounds are still fresh. "Wait! You're not fully healed yet." I hold both of his shoulder and laid him down again.

He didn't budge and give me a death glare, "Who are you? And don't you dare touch me." He made it all sound like an order so I instantly retracted my hand. 'He... is so... so... Hot!' My heart is beating from excitement and really didn't put much thought on what he said.

3rd Person PoV:

The man find it weird when the girl named (Y/N) is looking at him with an heart sparkly eyes after he just threatened her. 'What's with this girl.' He thought to himself. That's why his glaring eyes towards her become suddenly confused and he is wanting to keep distance from her.

 That's why his glaring eyes towards her become suddenly confused and he is wanting to keep distance from her

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