67) Call sign

496 21 2

(Cringe Warning(?) Help I'm not good at this but... I guess proceed with caution😭✋)


"Now now (Y/N) don't be sad since I have questions for you." I dispose all of my tissue waste because of her story on the trash can as March is still talking to me. "What's your call sign to each other?" I look suddenly dumbfounded at her question.

"Call sign?" She nodded and have an her face suddenly went surprised. "You don't know call signs?!" I shaked my head at her questions completely unaware. "Well it's a thing you can address your loved one for example, baby, babe, darling, mine, beloved, queen/king, honey, hubby/ wifey, my love, cutie, sweetheart, bae, my sunshine, my light, my life, my one and only, my honey bunch sugar pie." She said it all like she was rapping but thankfully I understood it all,

"Call sign huh... Is it necessary?" I think for a moment remembring what she said. "Well it is I guess? Calling your loved one by their name is just...plain." I think for a moment as I realized she have point, but what will I call him? Darling? Honey? My love? Those are my top three picks.


I'm now at the archives watching attentively Dan Heng who was editing and encoding some of information in the Data Bank as he hold the books where he got his references. "Are you not bored?" He asked as he paused encoding information and turned his head to face me. I shaked my head and smile at him, "I'm not bored, I'm actually amazed how you're so fast at typing."

'Remember to use it when he's completely off guard, I'm sure you would enjoy the reaction you will get out of him. Make sure you have a better tone so he would feel butterflies.' March once again gave me an advice on how will I address him as I picked an Call sign earlier. I think she really have an experience with this things, I mean... where does she even get those informations.

3rd Person PoV:

(Y/N) got closer to Dan Heng as she whispered... Unawarely she used a seductive tone. "You're amazing... Darling~" His eyes widened and his whole face turn red, he was caught off guard and coughed as if someone just choked him.

She didn't expect a sudden reaction from him as he suddenly turned away from her, she was worried if she said something wrong or he didn't liked it but little did she know he turned away to hide blushing face as he continue to cough. "Are you okay..?" She hesistantly asked and even more afraid to strike an conversation after what she just said.

"I'm sorry if I just didn't say it you wouln't cough like that, I'll get water wait a minute!" He stopped her as he grab her hand when she was about to leave his room. "*cough* I-I'm *cough cough* fine." He finally faced her and it's visible on (Y/N)'s eyes how his face is red due to what she just called him.

"...I'm just... caught off guard... I didn't expect you will use something like that to address me." He admitted as he averts his eyes at her while his face is still a blushing mess, A rare and cute sight for (Y/N) to be honest.

(Y/N) is so unpredictable as sometimes she easily get flushed but sometimes she's so bold. She cupped Dan Heng's cheeks as she saw him averting his eyes at her. "Please look at me, My Love..." this time her tone is kinda pleading... begging to set his eyes on her.

His whole body tensed up and his face is beet red at how flustered he was because she uses another call sign but (Y/N) is serious, even his face is a blushing mess he gave her what she requested, he caressed her cheek gently as he gave her a soft smile.

(Y/N)'s PoV:

"You're adorable, Darling~" I felt my face heat up and turned red like a tomato. 'D-d-did he j-just c-called me D-da-d-darling?!' I'm so flustered to the point that I turned away from him and cover my red face.

I felt his arms wrapped around me as he hug me from behind, after the day our feelings are revealed to each other I can't help but notice Dan Heng's sweet voice compared to his normal calm and composed tone... Or it's just me imagining things. His breath touches my neck as he pressed me against his as my back hitted his chest. "Do you like how I call you? My love~?"

I slowly nodded my head and turn around to face him, he have a gentle smile on his lips and pecked my forehead. "I'll continue my work, since tomorrow we will visit Herta Space Station. Himeko said there's more information to encode because of Aeons information from Miss Herta's Stimulated Universe." I nodded at him with a smile as he pick up his book again.

As he started to move his finger again on the device I hugged him from behind, before he can even speak I go ahead of him. "Lemme stay for a while like this and continue your work." He didn't spoke and continue to type again. I smiled as my nose inhaled his faint scent as my face is buried on his back.

"Oh right, March told me something about telling them that we're official..." Dan Heng suddenly spoke and I hummed 'mhm?' In response so he can continue. "I have a question..." There was an hesistance at his voice and I response in hum again.

"What do you think of Caelus?" I giggled as thought of him and answers Dan Heng's question like I'm doing a friend good ratings. "He's a good friend, He's protective too, He's Unpredictable and Unique on his own way. Well... he's kinda cute too like March."

"Cute?!" He loosened my hand that was wrapped around him as I was hugging him earlier from behind so he can face me. His facial expression have an complicated look to even read, it feels like he's pouting or something... he's really hard to read. "He's cute like... After we got the trailblazing mission in Belobog he somewhat look like a raccoon rummaging in the trash."

"Oh really?" He turned around from me and continue typing on the Data Bank as if he's not interested. 'Is he mad? Right now?' I asked myself inside my head perplexed at his sudden attitude. "Actually the first day I regain my consciousness the first being I saw is you... That's why... I have a little c-crush on you from the start..." I was holding a book to cover my shy face.

He removed the book that was covering my face and that's when I face his gentle gaze and gentle smile towards me. "Is that so? Hold on I will talk to someone." He patted my head and he didn't gave me anytime to respond at him when he just leave me alone in his room puzzled, 'Talk with whom?'

" He patted my head and he didn't gave me anytime to respond at him when he just leave me alone in his room puzzled, 'Talk with whom?'

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Author's Note:
Ok so I was really hoping for Fu Xuan rerun but it seems like she'll rerun with my girlie Robin🤧. And Dawg the anniversary rewards are just so 🥳 🥳🥳 We're gonna be rich this patch!!!


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