88) Slash

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"Wake up sweetie~" My sister wake me up from my sleep as she gently shake me. I yawned and rub my eyes, "Good morning Sis..."

"Get up, Firefly and the the other's are waiting for you in the training room while I prepare for today's breakfast." She eventually left my room as she were holding a spatula.

I freshen up myself before I head to the training room, as I arrived Firefly and Silverwolf are talking to each other while Blade is on the corner standing while he's holding his sheathed sword. "Are you guys are not starting yet?"

In the early morning Firefly have the usual soft smile in her face weirdly Silverwolf have a smug smile but it's more weirder that she's up this early. "I can make... basically a realm, because for today... we're gonna have an serious sparring-"

"But let's not kill each other!" Firefly warned in caution before Silverwolf can finish her words.

"But I'm not that great yet!" I'm suddenly nervous and scared about this serious sparring.

"You'll do well." Silverwolf blow her bubblegum until it pops. "Besides we'll be teaming up ourselves to protect each other."

Suddenly Silverwolf bring out a cube thing with many stickers of her and gave it to me.

Suddenly Silverwolf bring out a cube thing with many stickers of her and gave it to me

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"Try scanning your fingerprint there."

"Me? Why?!"

I immediately passed it to Firefly with shaky hands and she passed it to Blade. Without directing him he scanned his fingerprint as if it's just nothing without Silverwolf's instructions and suddenly some pixelated things absorbed Blade.

"What is happening?!" I tried to stopped the thing as I tried to pull Blade out of it until it starts to touch me, it feels nothing but imagining that it'll comsume me makes me scream. "HELPP-!"

My eyes were shut tightly and my screaming continue after a hand blocks my mouth. "You're too loud." My scream died out after I slowly open my eyes to look around my surrounding. "Where are we?!"

I tightly gripped something that I unawarely clinging since earlier, it's Blade's arm, I still didn't let go nor he brush my hand off him. "Where are we...?" The surrounding is not something to be scared off since it's giving of the gamers vibe with purple-ish neon colors and but it's still unfamiliar.

"Can you hear me?" A sudden echo comes in and it was Silverwolf's voice from the outside.

"(Y/N)?! Are you alright?!" The next thing I hear was my sister worried voice.

"Yes!" I tried my best to shout on a loud voice since they might not heard me.

"There's no need to shout we can hear you perfectly."

"By the way, breakfast is ready. Sweetie and Bladie you should follow us if you get out."

I can hear my Sister's foot steps fade away and suddenly Silverwolf spoke in a whisper tone. "Actually releasing you both there is kinda hassle since I need to enter there too so have a good time while we're eating."

Interstellar Journey of Love (Danheng x F. reader)Where stories live. Discover now