44) Kiss

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Another day of doing my assigned punishment and it's the last one for today... It's the dinner used plates and utensils. After everyone leaves the dinner table I am left to clean and wash the dishes.

"May I help you?" Dan Heng walked up to me when I was about to start washing the dishes. "No, thank you! this is my punishment not yours." I shaked my head firmly at his offer. "It might slow down the healing process of your hand." I looked at my bandaged hand and just nodded at him.

"Okay so I'll wash the plates, you wipe it off with a clean cloth and store it properly." Before Dan Heng can start washing the plates and I called him so he'll stop. "Hey wait!" I grabbed an apron and I tip toe to reach his height and put the apron over his head. 'He's so tall' I thought after struggling to put the apron at him.

I was locked in his gaze when he leaned down closer to me and looked at me directly in the eyes. After seconds have passed I looked away with a blushing cheeks before I spoke. "Pom-pom said that we need to wear apron so our clothes won't get wet." He just nodded and tied up his apron.

Unexpectedly he grabbed another apron and put it over my head, he leaned so close to me to reach the tie of the apron on the back. I stopped breathing when I smell his faint scent and his breath touches my ear. "Breathe or you will die." He stated still not moving in his position trying to tie the apron on my back.

I back away a little when he's done but it leave me blushing like a mess. 'I- I thought he was going to kiss me!' My thoughts didn't help, it only make my entire face completely red. The sound of the faucet snapped me back into reality as Dan Heng started to wash the plates, we worked quitely and it kinda feels a little bit awkward.

"Leave the making of breakfast to us, you're not getting enough sleep and you even burned yourself." Dan Heng suddenly talk and sigh looking at my hand, I remember the breakfast I made and asked him with a bright smile. "Did I do well on making a waffle?" He turned to me and I see his lips turn a little bit upwards before he nodded slightly. "You did, thank you." My heart almost jumped from happiness when he acknowledged it and that makes me unable to erase the smile on my face.

"Oh- right, let's treat your wounds again after we're done here." He said while he continue to wash the remaining dishes while I happily humming a music as I wipe the plates he washed.

Right after we are done, I hang the apron we used while Dan Heng get the first aid kit. He gently take my hand while he gently pat a damp cold towel on it, my hand trembles against his. "Does it hurt?" He asked worriedly while he tighten his grip on my hand but not in a hurtful way... More in a reassuring way.

He apply some ointment and wrap a new clean bandage on it, "Seriously..." He muttered with a heavy sigh. "Huh?" I asked him again as I tilt my head with confusion. I didn't know what happened but I just realized that...He already let his lips touches my knuckles, the sensation of his lips makes my face heat up.

"W-w-what a-are you-" he didn't say anything but kiss my hand again. I feel that my heart is jumping out of my chest so I snatched my hand away from him and cover the left side of my chest to prevent my heart for beating so fast.

He suddenly jolted up from his seat and but I was too stunned by his actions so I was in dazed still processing it. "G-good night..." He said before he leave the kitchen.

He knows himself that his face is heating up and touched his own lips as if remembering how her hand felt against his lips which makes his face more red... 'what did I just do...'


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