07) Orchestrated Betrayal

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I woke up from a noise outside the hotel, there were many silvermane guards on station around the hotel. I suddenly remembered last night that I was talking to Caelus and looked at his chat. "(Y/N)? ... Have you fallen asleep? Well then sweet dreams milady." Looking at his chat I suddenly feel embarrassed. "I fall asleep while talking to him... How embarrassing!"

I freshen up myself and go outside of room and see them three all gathered up and chatting about the commotion outside. "Goodmorning (Y/N)! Slept well?" March 7th greeted me. There's a tension around our atmosphere seeing their serious face. "What's going on?" I asked them curiously and instantly picked up the clue about the silvermane guards outside the hotel.

"It seems their not here to say hi or escort us to our mission." March 7th and Caelus face is covered with worry as they think about Dan Heng's words. "Are we in trouble?" I mumbled and their attention headed towards me. "Let's go... We won't know if we just keep staying here." Caelus added before we go outside the hotel.

Outside the hotel we're instantly greeted a bad news as the silvermane guards have an warrant of arrest.

"I am Bronya Rand, acting commander of the Silvermane Guards, under order of Supreme Guardian Cocolia Rand, I hereby arrest the suspected infiltrators under the charge of plotting to incite rebellion. Resistance will prove futile. You must come with me."

We were taken aback with the sudden arrest since we all thought that this mission will go smoothly. "This was not we agreed on with the Supreme Guardian." I simply stated to Bronya.

Dan Heng and March 7th were talking about making an escape after learning about the warrant of arrest they have against us. "Dan Heng should we use the Fragmentum corrosion on the alley for escape?" Dan Heng looked at the direction that March 7th had said and think for a moment before making a decision.

"Hmm... It's possible, everyone prepare for an escape." He whispered enough for only the four of us to heard. "Three of a kind." Dan Heng started to talk about cards leaving me confused. "Can we just focus at the problem please." Caelus whispered. "Shh! It's an Astral Express escape signal." March 7th instantly cut Caelus off. "Two pair..." Dan Heng continued to signal and breathed out. "Ace!"

Caelus summoned his bat and knocked out silvermane guards, same with Dan Heng he summoned his polearm knocking them out. Suddenly my path activated with me being unaware, My hands have a fire in it before making a large wall of fire to cover us as we ran to the Fragmentum corrosion.

We stopped for a moment thinking that we got to far and rested a bit. "What was that fire wall earlier?" March 7th questioned me as she pants from all the running we do, while Dan Heng and Caelus catched their breath too. I looked at my hands in deep thoughts thinking what happened earlier. "Let's keep moving on, they will caught up wit us later on." Dan Heng's words instantly snapped me out and we all nodded to keep on going forward.

" Dan Heng's words instantly snapped me out and we all nodded to keep on going forward

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