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"Don't be embarrassed (Y/N) you look so

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"Don't be embarrassed (Y/N) you look so... so... SO CUTE!" Firefly eyes lit up as my sister finished doing my make up with a final touch of lipstick. Meanwhile I want to cover my whole identity because of embarrassment I didn't even know how they easily convince me to wear this or rather force me...


Hours ago after my sister came back from mission with my boyfriend Blade, she went straight to my room to present something instead of resting. "Look (Y/N) we came across a shop, I think this will suit you."

From her shopping bag she take out a maid outfit... but that's not the most shocking part as she take out a cat ear headband and a belt with a cat tail... it even have a collar with a bell. It's cute, especially the fluffy ears and tail but there's no way I would wear it.

"What?! This is definitely not for me right?" I stepped back a little away from my sister and she chuckled. "I bought it for you and also... Bladie is not aware of this why don't you surpise him?" I blushed from shyness and I can feel my dignity crumbling down by imagining of showing this to him. I shaked my head while I repeatedly muttering 'no way'.

"Then... I guess I should just throw this away..." My sister place the dress and accessories back to her shopping bag with a disappointed face. "It's a waste... I brought it for you and here I thought you would like it." She sat on my bed and remove her contact lens and saw that my sister have a teary eyes.

I take the shopping bag from her and sighed heavily. "Fine... I'll take it..." her teary eyes quickly shifted to a beam with joy after I agreed to receive it. I know her teary eyes were fake but I can't bear to see my big sister cry especially because of me, besides I know she will be happy if I accepted it.

"I'll just wear this for once." I crossed my arms at my sister with a pout, "also, don't buy things for me without my permission first." She only nodded with a smile and a giggle. I can feel she was relieved and happy after I accepted it as she comfortably laid on my bed and easily drifted off to sleep.

After she fall asleep I left my room to check on Blade... he is a bit risky when it comes to a mission, I know he's an immortal but he doesn't have to be risky and hurt himself or rather let himself be hurt. Sometimes it's even the reason why we got into an argument.

I entered his room without knocking and make my face blushing red, he just came out from bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist. I instantly closed his door and it suddenly open as he grabbed my wrist leading me into his room.

He pinned me against the wall with a smirk as he lean closer to me. His red eyes, the water droplets from his wet hair is dropping to my cheeks, his built body filled with scars, and his handsome face... I can't get enough of it. I'm stunned and flushed as I'm cornered by him, he must've thought that I'm sneaking in while he was showering earlier.

He cupped my cheeks with his big hand so I can directly look into his gazing eyes. "Am I mistaken to date a pervert girl like you?" I shaked my head and tried to protest.

Interstellar Journey of Love (Danheng x F. reader)Where stories live. Discover now