35) Favor?

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Third Person PoV:

Currently Dan Heng and Bronya was now alone in the Qlipoth fort, he narrow his eyes on her before he speak. "I need to ask a favor, about (Y/N) being a Stellaron hunter... As an-"

"Don't worry about that Dan Heng." Dan Heng was cutted off by Bronya as she gave him a smile before she proceeded to gave him details. "I can't thank you all enough for giving hope for Belobog to continue and live knowing the Stellaron was already sealed... And I realize something."

"Realize?" Dan Heng murmured as he thinks about what Bronya has said.

"Back then... I was stubborn enough not wanting to take any lesson so I snuck out. I run and run until there's no Silvermane guards on my sight. In the end I got lost in a snowy plains."


Third Person PoV:

A little girl was walking on a big snowy plains she was lost, her delicate clothing was not enough to battle the harsh coldness of the air passing through her. "W-where am I...?" The little girl eyes starts to form tears inside. She was alone.

She was crying and regretted that she snuck out, she wish she never did it. She continued to walk... Walk with her eyes welling up in tears. She suddenly saw a Silvermane guard, her eyes was litted up with hope, hoping to be back at her home, but unfortunately... It was not a silvermane guard it, it was an Fragmentum monster with an weapon and armor.

It was late since when she realize, she was already close to the Fragmentum monster who was about to swing it's weapon at her. "H-Help, help meee!" The little girl cover her head and shut her eyes tightly, shaking in fear.

In a moment when she was expecting a pain that soon will hit her as she keeps her eyes closed, a soft pat in her head instead is what she felt. The little girl looked around to see what happened to monster but all she saw is a tall woman and an ashes on the pile of snow.

"You're safe now..." The woman crouched at her eye level as she smiles at her. "N-not yet! There's more monster!" The little girl jump in her arms as she clutched the clothes of the woman. The woman turned around to see the approaching monster before she looked again at the girl with a smile. "Can you be a good girl for a while and hide behind my back?" The little girl hesitate but does it anyway.

"Die all of you pain in my ass!" The woman clasped her hand together and aim at the monster that was charging to them. The little girl eyes were closed but when she felt it was a little bit hotter she opened her eyes, only to witness the woman was releasing a big wave of fire in her hands towards the monster making them ash that blown of with the snow by the wind.

The little girl mouth was wide open with shock and admiration. "Big sister you're amazing!" The woman turned around her as she chuckle bitterly. "I think I'm far at 'amazing' you're talking about, by way what are you doing here, it's dangerous out here..." The little girl fiddle her fingers before she answered quitely, embarrassed. "I snuck out... And got lost."

The woman chuckled at her then proceed to ruffle the little girls hair. "Reminds me of someone that a rule breaker, do you know where you live?" The little girl nodded wanting to be back at her home. "At the Qlipoth fort, in Belobog city!" The woman carried her as they walk in snowy plain until the little girl cries in her arms again. "What's wrong?" The woman was caught off guard that maked her stop in her tracks. "There's a scary guy following us!"

The woman turned around and giggled seeing her companion that was tagging along them. "Stop scaring her... Anyway I'll send her to the city first and let's meet up later for the mission." After the woman spoke her companion he nodded at her quitely.

In far away the woman saw a real Silvermane guard and put the little girl down as she pointed at the silvermane guard. "There's a silvermane guard there... I'm afraid I can't go with you, I'm a bit busy..." "But big sister I want to invite you and offer you our sincere gratitude for saving me. I also want to be strong like you."

"There's no need for that, seeing you safe and smile was enough for me... As long as the children don't cry and suffer and I will be fine. Promise me you won't snuck out again." The woman crouched at her as she holds her pinkie finger to make a childish yet effective swear. The woman smiled as the little girl pinkie finger intertwined with her as accepting the promise. "Someday... I know you'll be more amazing than me... Now go at the silvermane guard, this is your first mission." The little girl only looked at the silvermane guard that was kinda far from them. "Big sister... When I see you again let's do many things like eat together, walk together and train together!" The little girl raised her hand that was holding a pinkie finger. The woman chuckled and intertwined her finger with the little girl. "I promise."

With that the little girl bid farewell as she runs to the Silvermane guard stationed that they saw earlier. The little girl reached the silvemane guard and asked for help, when she turned around she finally didn't see again the woman who helped her.

"A world without children cries... Seems impossible. Elio the destiny is cruel isn't it?" The woman looked up in the sky letting the cold snow like feather lands on her face.


Bronya tried hard to remember in every detail what happened on her childhoo, but her memory was not quite good when she was little. "I have no doubt, it was her... She is the one who saved me back then, the way she protected Clara when we're in the Underworld... I started to realize it. I owe her my life, friends from afar you're most welcome here in Belobog especially her..."

Dan Heng was stunned after hearing her story... Maybe (Y/N) has a soft heart when it comes to kids but... That won't change that she was a Stellaron hunter. Bronya continued to speak again as she asked Dan Heng a question. "You listened to me a lot they must be waiting for you already... And... You really left behind just to talk about this matter, do you... Like her?

Dan Heng's head lowered and an awkward silence fills the air before he spoke quitely. "No... I don't... She's now a part of the Express Crew, it's normal that we care every one of us."


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