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I started to stir up from my sleep since I'm feeling something heavy around my self so I pushed it off to sleep comfortably, but I was too bothered so I open up my eyes. It's my sister sleeping on my bed... it seems she's done from the mission. "It's 2am... when did she got back..?"

Funfact I was used in this situations everytime my sister just finished a mission, she kind of sort make me her battery source after all of her energy was used from her job before back in our homeland until I have arrived here in the Stellaron Hunters.

"She's a light sleeper but she seems tired gladly she's comfortable here." I muttered quietly and stood up from my bed tiptoeing to avoid waking her up. I was too focused looking at her face to see if she woke up that made me almost tripped at something... The Owlbert plushie...

"What is this doing here...?" All of the thoughts I overthinked yesterday came back, I just really planned to wash my face and came back to her to spend time since she was away for atleast 3 days but it seems that won't happen.

I was about to knock on Silverwolf's door hoping that she is still up at this hour, her door suddenly opened and she suddenly jumped out of surpise. "(Y/N)?!" She was shocked and breathed on relief after recognizing it was me. "What are you doing here?"

"I can't sleep, wanna grab some midnight snacks and play?" I said with a smile and she shrugged, "I was about to get them anyway." We go to the kitchen to getsome snacks and head back to her room to play. Since we're hooked up in our game we finally slept at 7am with our eyes are swollen from straight using of our gadgets.


I feel like I just closed my eyes until someone is waking me up. "You two... You stayed up late again!" We both groan at my sister's scolding voice early in the morning. "Right, (Y/N) I'm sure you'll be happy if you come to the kitchen right now so go wash your face." My sister kept shaking me so I didn't have a choice to obey her.


"I think it's better to avoid those two for a while so I can move on... But how can I avoid my own sister?!" I said to myself looking at my self on the mirror before I headed to the kitchen.

I arrived at the kitchen and saw Sam stirring something in the pot while Firefly is guiding someone who is cutting vegetables... It is Blade. 'Woah... stop it (Y/N)!' I mentally slapped my face as my attention was caught again by him, 'I'll let my sister to be happy with her lovelife, no one can break our relationship.'

"Goodmorning (Y/N)!" Firefly have her hand waving to me and I smiled at her before I silently sat down on the chair of the dinner table. Sooner we became complete in the kitchen as my sister is pushing Silverwolf even though she's still half-asleep.

"We don't have further mission for the next days so feel free to relax,rest, and hangout with each other." Elio said as he sat too while the others started to serve the foods on the table.

"Why the long face (Y/N)." Elio suddenly questioned me which I kinda panicked since I'm not aware of the face I'm making right now.

I forced out a smile and shaked my head. "Hahaha, I'm just thinking about something. Please don't mind me." Suddenly Silverwolf spoke too, "You've been like that since yesterday. I know it's not my business but it does affect your actions, It's really obvious."

I tried so hard not to take a single glance to Blade not until I can't take it anymore. I haven't finished my own food and stood up from my seat, "I... don't have an appetite, excuse me..." I said on a small voice but before I can walk my sister grabbed my hand.

"What's the matter? Are you feeling sick?" I shaked my head and gently brush off her hand that was stopping me. "I'm fine at all, don't worry." With that I left the kitchen area.

3rd Person PoV:

Sam get closer to Firefly as he whispered, "Does it taste bad? I can't consume the thing I made..." "It taste good but I'm worried for (Y/N)... Something is definitely troubling her but she doesn't want to open up." She said with a frown staring at her plate.

It's visible on Kafka's eyes at how she was worried gor her little sister, normally if she have a problem she would tell her immediately. (Y/N) is not a type of person who would hide her true feelings especially to her own sister.

"What's wrong with her...?" She muttered and followed her to her room.

(Y/N)'s PoV:

There's long huge box wrapped with a ribbon that is place on my desk. "What is this... Well probably my sister's belonging. I'm gonna move this out but... it's kinda heavy..." I carried it all the way to her room. As I was about to leave her room after I placed it on her desk she suddenly hugged me from behind.

3rd Person PoV:

"Your sister is here, you can tell me what's
bothering you." (Y/N) just shrugged and tried to release herself from her sister. "I told you I'm fine." She replied with coldness. Kafka is shocked why her little sister suddenly changes, she was away only for 3 days but it feels like she missed something big.

"We didn't see each other these past few days and I really missed you alot. "Don't you missed me?" Kafka said releasing the hug so (Y/N) can face her before (Y/N) could speak Kafka added a continuation to her words. "I thought you'd be happy that I'm back, Aren't you happy that Bladie is here too, more importantly about that box-"

(Y/N) cutted off her sister words as she glared at Kafka. "Why I would be happy seeing Blade?" She really didn't understand what's happening to her siter right now, "You like him right?" Kafka hesitantly said it to (Y/N ), but her response makes her more confused and surpised.

"No, I don't like him, I don't like him... at all." (Y/N)'s was in verge of crying so she instantly ran away from her sister's room headed to her room and locked her door.

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