28) Fight

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Another echo memory appeared before our eyes when we opened the gate. It was Cocolia's echo alone... Telling us to go away, of course it ended up to a battle again. Thankfully it was just an echo so we defeated it faster than we expected.


Upon arriving at the snowy plains the temperature drops at the very low but that's not important at my case right now because everything I saw in the place was so vague. It makes me so dizzy as we walk closer and closer, thankfully March and Caelus was holding me tightly as they helped me walk.


Right after we passed a big robot, my eyes suddenly widened seeing Bronya and Cocolia in some platform but that not catches my attention but the thing that was on the top of them... As the voice of that thing was heard I immediately feel a sharp pain in my head again but this time it's different as if someone was stabbing my brain again and again just to insert hurtful informations.


Third Person PoV:

(Y/N) fall to the ground gripping her head tightly as she scream in pain. "I-...ARGGHHHH!" It catches all their attention even Bronya and Cocolia. March 7th panicked seeing (Y/N)'s state and hold her in her arms, "E-eh? W-what's wrong (Y/N)?!" She whined in pain and her tears are rolling down on her cheek as the cold breeze easily dries it out. "I-It... it H-hur-ts!"

"Y-you guys... I'll leave that matter to you, I have to keep my promise to Bronya." Seele leave but it's just only some steps away from us.

The three of them March 7th, Caelus, and Dan Heng was in shocked and they teamed up on consoling her and tried to lessen the pain she was having. Caelus wrap his coat around her while March 7th was hugging her and continuously to brush her hair and Dan Heng was holding her hands tightly to prevent her nails dig in her head as she grips them tightly.

Sooner she faints out in their arms, "(Y...Y/N)... Wake up! W-wake up please...!" Caelus violently shakes her to wake her up but no response. Dan Heng checked her pulse and thankfully it's beating in a stable pace.

Dan Heng's grip on his phone tightened being unable to contact Himeko or Welt. So instead he carried her in bridal style and look at March 7th and Caelus. "We cannot let Cocolia go ahead in her plans on Bronya let's go." Caelus instantly stopped him as he gives him a dark look. "Hey! Does that matter right now?! She might die in any seconds and you're still thinking about this?!"

"The future of Belobog is in our hands right now, don't be selfish beside I can keep her safe in my arms." March 7th agreed on Dan Heng's suggestions and nodded. "We won't back down after our risks, let's finish this at once!"


Cocolia suddenly laugh sarcastically seeing (Y/N)'s unconscious body in Dan Heng's arms. "Is that hunter already dead now? It such a shame that she didn't died at her attempt to steal the Stellaron before." They all gritted their teeth and glared at Cocolia after her comment before Bronya rushed up to her. Dan Heng's smiles at her slightly and reassured her. "She's only fainted earlier... She'll wake up soon."

"Bronya, I don't know what's happening right now and even if you explain it to me I won't understand it but there's two things I know!" Seele was reassured too after what Dan Heng says, she speak in a serious tone and continue her words.

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