60) Nightmare

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"It's time to pay the price, It's time!!!" That Man's familiar voice ring again, it's so strange why I'm seeing this now and this time as if I'm close to them. 'I must make a change!' When the man throw his sword to Dan Heng I went infront of him to shield him but strangely the sword passes right through me as if I'm invisible, my eyes widened hearing Dan Heng painful groan and when I looked back I saw the sword Dan Heng that pierces his heart.

I wake up breathing heavily and with tears in my eyes after a nightmare... a nightmare about how Dan Heng was killed on Xianzhou because of that man. I sat up and hug my knees as I cry silently. "I miss you... you idiot!" After a minutes of calming myself, I wipe all of my tears and went back to sleep again.

"It's time to pay the price, It's time!!!" That Man's familiar voice ring again, it's so strange why I'm seeing this now AGAIN is this a loop? "No! Don't!" I screamed but it was stucked in my throat and I can't move my feet or arms, My whole two eyes saw how the Man throw his sword at Dan Heng.

"NOOOOOOOO!" I suddenly wake up again from the nightmare and I looked around as my tears are falling from my eyes. Suddenly Caelus came inside my room, "What is happening?!" "C-Cae..." I sob when I felt him wrapped his arms around me, I bury my face onto his chest to find some comfort as I continue to cry while he's patting my head whispering, "It's gonna be okay."

Thankfully I slowly calmed down because of him but I didn't let go of him still tightly clutching his clothes. "How are you feeling?" He cupped my cheeks to raise my head to him, I shaked my head and snuggle more to him to find some comfort. "Let me stay for a while like this..."

3rd Person PoV:

Silence enveloped (Y/N)'s room, a little while longer Caelus felt her breathing pace in a normal condition and the next thing he heard is her soft snores. It seems that (Y/N) fall asleep after the comfort she received from him. Caelus gently laid her down on her bed and put the blanket on her.

He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead after he was finished, when he was about to stand up he felt that one of his fingers is holding tightly by (Y/N)'s hands. He tried to brush it off him but instead she gripped it more tightly as if she was holding it for her dear life.

He sat on her bed and using one of his hand he gently adjust himself as he put (Y/N)'s head on his lap while his wrapped his hands to hers. He slowly felt his eyelids grow heavier when he leaned to her headboard and dozed off to sleep.

There was a familiar joyous laughter I heard and when I opened my eyes it was Caelus adjusting a flower behind my ear while his other hand is holding his phone with a picture of me. The wind suddenly blows harder falling a lot of petals from the trees. I wanted to enjoy the feeling so I closed my eyes feeling the breeze my face and when I opened my eyes Caelus is gone. I'm back again the place where Dan Heng is killed by that Man, as I looked around to find Caelus my eyes widened and fall into my knees seeing Dan Heng unconscious on the floor with a sword in his heart something's wrong... It's his another form that was revealed when he was killed. So... if he was killed in his other form then he transform into this... then what will happen if he was killed in this form?

3rd Person PoV:

"Caelus you're up pretty early." Welt said as they saw each other was about to enter the kitchen. "My neck hurts." he said as he massage his side of neck. "Does your bed have a problem?" Pom-pom suddenly asked a question coming out of nowhere making Caelus jump. "Well... (Y/N) was having nightmare so I stayed with her."

"You stayed with WHO?!" March 7th suddenly exclaimed making Caelus jump again. "(Y/N)..." he looks worried everytime he remembers her state when he entered her room earlier. "You slept with her?!" Caelus simply nodded at her and March 7th let out an exaggerated gasp and shaked her head seeing Caelus innocent face.

"How's (Y/N)?" As Welt asked a question Pom-pom gave him a relief patch for Caelus' neck and Himeko entered the kitchen too. "It seems that she's okay."


Those four inside the kitchen Himeko, Caelus, Welt, and March 7th we're alarmed hearing a familiar voice screamed.

Those four inside the kitchen Himeko, Caelus, Welt, and March 7th we're alarmed hearing a familiar voice screamed

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