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I didn't know the Express can be quiet without March... The music on the phonograph - 'Take the journey' is very relaxing. Even though the music is very relaxing it didn't help me to avoid imagining things... Imagining what just March said earlier.

I tried to distract myself by playing the phone as I sit comfortably at the couch of the parlor car, however it didn't help seeing Dan Heng staring at the Xianzhou ship. I ran to the kitchen feeling my face heat up while pinching both of my rosy cheeks, 'What did she mean level up!'

After calming myself down I came back at the parlor car... It's boring staying inside my room and I really just used it when I want to sleep. Himeko walked up to me with a cup of coffee in her hand. "Do you want to have some?" I gave her a polite smile and gently shake my head declining her offer.

"Can I have some?" Dan Heng suddenly walked up to my seat and sat beside me. Himeko gave the coffee to Dan Heng and I observed his facial expressions... 'It is not bitter?!' I thought inside of my head seeing that he remained calm.

"You usually stay inside the archives... But you seem worried after those three departed, is something on your mind?" Himeko asked her as she glance at the Xianzhou. "You know, my first impression to Mr. Yang is he's such a person with such... Experience so I really think he's a professional, it's just a shame that I won't see him in action... But those three would be fineee." I reassured Dan Heng while taking a sip of the grape juice that Pom-pom made.

Dan Heng asked for the copy of the Stellaron hunter transmission and I can't believe my eyes seeing the very familiar face but I really can't remember who it is. My head started to spin seeing her and it got worse hearing the voice, "I-it's so... so.... F-familiar..." I groaned and soon my vision blacked out.

Third Person PoV:

(Y/N) safely landed on Dan Heng's arms when she suddenly passed out watching the Stellaron hunter transmission. "(Y/N)!" Dan Heng tried to wake her up and carried her to lay down on the couch. Himeko and Pom-pom were stunned at what just happened. Dan Heng sighed in relief after feeling her pulse beating on a normal pace.

"It's been a while now but I observed that she usually faints when she saw or heard relating to Stellaron hunters..." Dan Heng said to Himeko as he thinks for a moment, Pom-pom is gently shaking her to wake up and suddenly utter. "No... Is she... Is she gonna die...?" "She'll wake up soon." Himeko reassured Pom-pom patting their head.

After a moment Dan Heng continued to watch the transmission clip again, his eyes widened seeing a man that Kafka described. He plan to leave the Express to ensure March, Caelus, and Welt safety because according to him... That man is dangerous.

As he turned around to leave the Express he suddenly heard a weak voice behind him. "Dan Heng...? W-where are you... going?" Himeko helped her to get up and regain ger posture. He didn't looked back at her as he spoke on a stern tone, "Going to Xianzhou... They're in danger, again they're in danger so don't follow."

(Y/N)'s PoV:

With that he leaves the Express leaving me confused, Pom-pom passed me a glass of water and Himeko tell me what happened after I passed out. "The man from his past that he's trying to ran away is in Xianzhou...? And it will be dangerous if everyone get tangled in it...?" I held my head still feeling a bit of headache but it's getting better.

I suddenly stand up from my seat and asked for Himeko's permission. "I know he said it but... Can I follow him? He will be more in danger... That man... I don't who he is but he might be their target. What if... What if he..." I started to panick and Himeko held my hand to calm me down, "I know you're worried but have faith in him."

It's been 30 minutes that have passed but I'm still not reassured so I decided to ran when Himeko left to her room to brew some coffee and Pom-pom get water for the plants, I left a note so they won't be worried about me.


These cargo ships are so huge It's kinda scary... I walked and walked trying to find and route, "I don't know a thing or two about Xianzhou..." I fell on my knees and looked backed... "I think I walked far enough, I'm lost!" I tried texting March but it all sent out fail.

March 7th

Dan Heng is here in Xianzhou but he left 30 minutes ago before me so I can't track where exactly did he go

Where are you all? I'm at Xianzhou I followed Dan Heng because he might be in danger too.

I think I'm lost but if you ever meet or talk to him please don't say anything that I followed him, leave the explanation to me.

I'll update about my location when I finally know where am I.

I sighed in relief after the message been sent successfully but suddenly a monster ambushed me from behind. I dodged it, It caught me off guard and dropped my phone. One of the monster stepped on my phone and leave a big crack, "Nooo!"

 One of the monster stepped on my phone and leave a big crack, "Nooo!"

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