18) Get along again

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Seeing me nod Dan Heng walks dragging me with him as he held my hand tightly as if he doesn't want to let me go.

We're now outside of the hotel and pinned me against the wall caughting me off guard and in sudden movement, I accidentally place my hand on his right shoulder. "D-Dan..." Blush covered up my cheeks and stutter when I was about to say his name, before I can continue he suddenly rested his head on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry... for what happened that day... that I doubted you... I hope you understand that I'm just being cautious." Dan Heng suddenly apologizes to me leaving my mouth slightly open not sure what to say.

Silence filled the air but it wasn't awkward it was rather comforting, my hand landed on the back of his head and gently brushed it. He was quite surprised by the sudden affection making his head raise and regain his usual composure giving me again my personal space.

I followed his movement when he gave me my personal space, I went forward closing the gap between us. His expression was surprised but instantly his gaze deepens as I keep maintaining an eye contact with him.

I was the first one who broke the silence between us as I gave him a smile. "You don't need to be sorry... I understand... But... There's a high chance that I was a Stellaron hunter... After this... Are we all gonna part ways?" My smile instantly become frown at the end of my sentence.

'please say no...' This words keeps repeating in my mind as I clenched my fist trying to stop my tears, I can feel my nails is digging on my palm but it doesn't matter, what matter right now is his answer.

He suddenly picked up a strand of my hair and placed his lips against it, my sadness and anxiety was replaced by my heart beating so loud and my entire face heating up making it red like a tomato.

"Don't worry about it, you're already part of the Astral Express, you're one of the nameless and I know March won't just let you go that easily." Dan Heng keeps his lips pressed against my hair and look directly in my eyes as he spoke showing how sincere he is. All I can do is nod at him but I'm looking away because I can't keep a straight face at him due that I was being too flustered at his actions. Dan Heng finally raises his head and twirl my hair around his fingers before he lets go of it.

"Thank you for forgiving me, we need to rest up and prepare for tomorrow's mission... This will soon reach the end." My eyes was stunned but there's a spark in it after I saw his gentle smile at me, I didn't understand but there was something in it, this feeling... As if my heart was just captured... By him...

 By him

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