36) Feelings?

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Dan Heng's PoV:
I looked out at the window as I walk outside of the Qlipoth fort's stairs. 'The sun is setting already... I didn't think that I'd take so long...' 'Like her...? It's a trouble already that Caelus seems to be fond of her...' A waving hand in my peripheral vision break my thoughts and it was (Y/N) waving her hand to me excitedly while she ran towards me.

"Dan Heng! You really take some time there! How was you conversation? What did you talk about anyway." (Y/N) stood infront of me but many thoughts started to run inside my head losing connection to the real world. 'Like her...? The way she was calling my name... I could listen to her voice especially hearing my name coming from her mouth...'

"Earth to Dan Heng? Earth to Dan Heng???!!!" My thoughts suddenly break after feeling her shake me violently and increases the volume of her voice.

"Oh- uhh sorry about that..." "Spacing out when I'm already here, hello? Am I just an air to you?" She waved her hand infront of my eyes and grabbed it suddenly to make her stop. "D-Dan Heng...? Anyways! March and Caelus are waiting for us in the hotel let's go!" She snatched her hand that I was holding onto but she grabbed my wrist as she starts running towards the Goethe Hotel. "H-hey don't run."

(Y/N)'s PoV:
'My heart raced so fast earlier... Why does he have to grabbed my hand out of nowhere?!' I finally let go of his hand when we reached the front of the Hotel, panting for air with all of the running.

As I pant, I felt his hands tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear, I stare at his eyes directly surprised at his action... 'He have a subtle smile in his lips too... Did something happen good?' I instantly pulled away from him when I felt that I was staring at him for so long. "Let's have a good rest today so we can depart and... go home..."

"I lo-..." I was about to open the door of the hotel when Dan Heng uttered quitely making me turn around at him. "Hmm?" I hummed to make him continue his words. "I- It's nothing." He answered shortly and he averted his eyes...


I'm now laying on my bed casually listening to a music hoping that I'll fall asleep, but I was too excited to board Astral Express again so I can't fall asleep. I decided to message Dan Heng still curious what did he talk with Bronya earlier.

Dan Heng

Are you awake right now?


it's been 10 minutes waiting for his reply but he seems offline so I decided to not disturb him anymore, suddenly I got a message from Caelus.


Yo? Are you sleeping?

Heyyy, why you are still awake this late? I can't sleep today... I'm kinda excited to go home.

[Sent pom-pom shocked sticker]

No way!!! (Y/N) you... You... You already remembered your past?!?!?!

Looking at Caelus unexpected reply at my message, I laughed in amusement so much and decided to tease him.

Yeah... It's really not detailed but I guess it's a bit more clear. Sorry for not telling you this early but I remembered it few days ago...


Later on I heard an urgent knock on my door, I giggled expecting that I successfully tricked Caelus so I opened the door. Unexpectedly he jumped into my arms wrapping me so tightly. "C-Caelus calm down." I patted his back gently so he can relax a bit.

"No." He replied firmly and tighten his hug more, slightly making it hard for me to breathe. When I feel his seriousness I was about to say that I'm just kidding but he speaks again. "Don't leave... Don't leave me... Don't leave us... I... I want to be..." He slowly loosened his hug and speak quietly again. "Am I being selfish right now?"

'I didn't know he would take this so far... Why I'm feeling guilty...' I thought to myself before I patted his shoulder and smiled at him. "What I meant on 'home' is the Astral Express, I was just kidding that I remember anything didn't think you'd buy that easily, pfft." I covered my mouth to stop my laugh but still it escape my mouth especially seeing Caelus dumbfounded expression knowing that it was just a joke.

He pinched both side of my cheek playfully to stop me from laughing but it's not enough to stop me. "Playing with my feelings huhhh?!?!" His face is written with embarrassment as he continue pinched my cheek earning more laughter from me that my stomach is starting to hurt. "Playing with my feelings... How should I tell my feelings for you..." His mumbled was drown by my laughter not hearing what he just said but seeing him frown I'm now confused and curious about what he said.

"You said what? I didn't heard you." He just bitterly smiled at me and shaked his head. "I don't know if I can let go... For sure he certainly have... Have a good rest tonight we are going home tomorrow..." He instantly changed the topic being cheerful again but there's sadness in his eyes, I want to ask about it but before I can speak he left my room.

"How can I have a good rest if you keep me in the dark..." I laid on my bed and recall about what he said. "What are you gonna let go...? And who is 'he' you're talking about..." I mumbled and question myself but I got no answer... Eventually I fall asleep with many questions in my head.

Author's Note:Ok so uhh I think my update will get slower or something because my phone is not charging arghhhhhh😭😭 😭 I don't have second device to write and yes even my online school works are affected too

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Author's Note:
Ok so uhh I think my update will get slower or something because my phone is not charging arghhhhhh😭😭 😭 I don't have second device to write and yes even my online school works are affected too. I don't think I can survive a day without a phone, without playing hsr but please pray for my soul🙏

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