75) Offended?

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As he tells me off a part of me was offended but another part of me is happy as he talk to me again with such authorization and threat. I froze on my spot not knowing what I should do and in the end the side part of me was offended acted my thoughts.

"Atleast I aided your wounds don't you think you should be nice to me a little bit?! You didn't even know how to show gratitude!" I slapped him and I turned around ready to leave him as what he said.

But then I suddenly realized what I did and covered my mouth. 'What the actual heck I did...' "Hey." he called out to me and I flinched hearing his heavy foot steps coming towards my direction. 'Oh Aeons! I'm doomed!'

I covered my head in fear as I screamed, "I'm sorry!!!" He stood up again infront of me and I'm still shielding my head. "T-thanks..." He said on a low voice and that got my attention and gaze up on him, He is looking at me with a straight look but his tone carrying a menace.

His voice is normally laced with menace same with his red eyes so I didn't put much a thoight of it. I beamed at him and smiled joyfully, "You're welcome! By the way are you okay now?" He didn't respond to me and I examine him as I go circles to check his wound.

"This is strange... It's too fast to heal in just one night... How's your chest... that one is an serious injury." Remembering Elio's word about his terrifying self-healing ability this is what they meant I think.

I froze in the spot and instantly turned red like a tomato while I instantly covered my eyes when he started to take off his shirt, the moment my eyes landed on his abs my knees felt weak and instantly uses my hand to cover my eyes. 'WHAT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!!!' My mind is going feral but suddenly he spoke.

"It still hurts when I moved around but this pain is nothing." The bandage is still wrapped on him and it was slightly covered by his blood. "You shouldn't move too much, your wound will open up again." I made him sit on his bed as I grab a towel and the medical kit.

Since his body is covered in sweat from training I need to dried him up first, 'I want to touch him... but No (Y/N) no! You'll look like a pervert!' I carefully removed the bandage that was covering his wounds and my jaw dropped again as I see it on a better state as if the wound is treated in weeks.

"Well... It's... better than I thought... I need to clean it and change bandage just in case." I gently patted a cotton ball soaked in alcohol around his wounds and patched him up as I wrapped the bandage around it. "Don't move around too mu-" I stopped talking as the door swung open.

It's Firefly carrying a food tray, "Oh Goodmorning (Y/N)." Firefly's sweet voice again in early in the morning! "Goodmorning Firefly!" She gave me a wink as she placed down the food tray on his nightstand. "It's your breakfast. You didn't eat yesterday so you should fill your stomach." He only nodded and I left his room to eat my own meal too.


"Right, (Y/N), me and SilverWolf have a mission today. It's a quick one so do you want to tag along?" My sister asked me as she was eating our breakfast together. Setting a foot outside the Stellaron Hunters Headquarters is just once in a lifetime for me since my sister priotize my own safety.


Finally this so called 'Stellaron' is in her hand now... It's strangely a golden orb and she stored it into one of SilverWolf's advance techy device. We are inside a building and now I get it why my sister invited me to tag along. It's an Hospital storage room, my eyes sparkled seeing the part where the medical equipments are stocked and the other side are stuffs like bandage, pills, disinfectants, and many more. My sister passed me an two thick books and it seems it's all about medicine stuffs.

As we were heading back a commotion just happened too many monstered appeared on our way, it's terrifying, it's the first time I see those too. "Silverwolf look after her." My sister said as she summoned two guns and started shooting them. It was all good but suddenly a monster ambushed me and Silverwolf. The next thing I felt is pain as I received an cut from their sharp weapons. I screamed in pain after feeling the sudden sharp pain on my arms... it's a deep cut too, because of that my two companion is distracted.

3rd Person PoV:

The monster easily surrounded them, (Y/N) felt slightly guilty though knowing that they should've escape this place if those two didn't got distracted by her. "(Y/N)! Are you okay?!" Kafka asked her little sister whose arms is wounded causing the blood to trickle down her hand.

She nodded at her sister weakly as response, there's too many monster in their way and they only have one choice, finish them before (Y/N) loses all of her blood. As they was busy fighting monster they didn't know why the big monster or... their boss targetted (Y/N). They were all too late as it started to act it's finshing move towards her.

(Y/N)'s PoV:

Suddenly it's power reflected to itself finshing it's own life, A familiar sword deflected it's attack on me, A sword who seem passed many storms by it's appearance. A black beatiful sword that was patched up its pieces to become whole again. To be honest this is just make me more enchanted and charmed by his whole being despite his coldness and threat to people like me, Maybe he have a kind heart after all.

"(Y/N) Let's go back hurry." Firefly assisted me with Silverwolf letting Sam, Kafka, and Blade handle the fighthing against those crazy monster. I whinced in pain but I need to move faster to not trample again my comrades, but I feel weak I can't walk it feels heavy and my eyelids feels heavy too.

3rd Person PoV:

(Y/N) lost her concsiousness as Firefly and Silverwolf was assisting her back to their vehicle that they use always to visit other worlds. Kakfa left the fighting to Sam and Blade and go to her sister, "Her pulse is getting weak let's go faster!"

 Kakfa left the fighting to Sam and Blade and go to her sister, "Her pulse is getting weak let's go faster!"

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Author's Note:

So uhhh... My brother just spoiled me about the recent Penacony quest about Sam and Firefly. I haven't done it since... Arghhhh I don't have good device😭😭😭 but still I'm not gonna change their roles in the story so... sorry y'all😔

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