59) Diary

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3rd Person PoV:

The new morning has arrived and then again March is like (Y/N)'s alarm at this rate since she's always in her room waking her up for breakfast, (Y/N) needs a proper rest after Xianzhou but still she need to get up or else Pom-pom wil scold her again.

At the dinner table it's missing one person... Dan Heng but according to Caelus he doesn't want to eat for a mean time because he wanted to have some rest. It's somehow visible the expression written on (Y/N)'s face the feeling of loneliness...


Next morning has arrived and finally they're complete at the dinner table but it's awkwardly quiet, suddenly (Y/N) stood up from her seat. "I... don't have appetite today... I'm sorry." with that she left the dining area.

"Did you two fought again?" March asked Dan Heng who was silently eating his own food before he sighed and stood up from his seat too. "No, Sorry but, I, too don't have appetite" Welt and Himeko can't help but worry about that two but still thinking on how will they approach them.

3rd Person PoV at Dan Heng's room:

Dan Heng inserted the Memory card from (Y/N)'s phone to his and the content of it is very like March 7th having a tons of pictures. What he didn't exected is aside from many pictures there's many documents too. "A diary?" He was about to open one page but he sighed resisting to read one because of her privacy. In the end curiosity doesn't let him rest and take a peek at her diary.

Day 12
Every day in the Express is an happy day for me... I want to be with them... Forever.
It's been days since I got the punishment from Pom-pom but my friends still help me. Well... I kinda feel guilty that they wanted to help me since this is my punishment because I accidentally scared Pom-pom that day but Anyways! I never thought Dan Heng will be good at house chores like cooking and washing the plates...
*Insert an image of Dan Heng facing the sink with an apron as he washes the plates.*
Ehe~ this look so cute! It seems that he didn't noticed me took this stolen picture of him.
He's so kind because he always helped me in house chores or... does he have nothing better to do? But the Data Bank information is too vast... how do he manage his time?
He's literally Amazing and Interesting... I wish I can see more or discover his other sides. Other than that I'll end this diary for today and look forward to another day.。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。

Dan Heng's face flushed for a moment because of the embarrassment he saw about the picture of him. 'I should've been aware of my surroundings even with her... I've been comfortable with her too much.' He thought to himself. He didn't dig anymore deeper in her diary but in reality he read 5 pages of her diary. "I'm sorry (Y/N)." he said as he closed the documents with guilt.


It's been a week since Dan Heng is isolating from the Express but no one knows why he avoid them... So Welt decided to talk to him and Himeko is the one who's handling (Y/N). It happens that March is in (Y/N)'s room when she decided to knock.

(Y/N)'s PoV:

Another knock was heard on my door as I arranged our new picture in the Xianzhou on my desk while March is helping me with those arrangements. As I open the door it reveals Himeko, "Can we talk?" She have a gentle smile on her face but her voice contain seriousness.

I nodded at her and she entered my room as she sat on my bed, "I'll not waste any more time and I'll get straight to the point. What's going in between you and Dan Heng?" I was shocked in her question and I can't respond to her. "Right (Y/N), Himeko and Mr. Yang are worried about you two plus Dan Heng's been isolating himself from the Express." March jumped in the conversation as she sat beside Himeko.

I fiddled my fingers and look down as thinking of opening up to them."I think he's mad at me... Because I followed him in Xianzhou also before they fought Phantylia... something happened..." March is very eager to listen to the point the she wanted to put her ears right infront of my mouth. "What happened?!?!"

"Well... We kind of have an... argument and he k-kissed me..." I put both of my hands on my mouth as I can feel my face heat up because of my confession. March and Himeko is surprised hearing it from me judging by their faces and I cover my entire face with my hands because of shyness.

"Are you not ready to face him?" Himeko asked me and I shaked my head because I'm certain that: "I... I miss him. I wanted to talk about it with him but at the same time I'm scared." I sighed deeply not knowing what should I do, "If you need someone to talk, Welt and I are always free, okay?" I looked up to her and nodded. "It's best if you two will talk it out sooner."

'Please talk to me... Was that kiss is just nothing for you...?'


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