87) Groceries

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Another morning has started and I promised myself to get back again to my usual self today... though all night I was hoping for my family to show up in my dreams again. At this point of having a new hobby, I use my phone is less time when it comes to games and because of this I tend to wake up early.

"Goodmorning!" I'm currently at the kitchen itching for a breakfast that Firefly is making... with her cooking partner Blade, it's more interesting at how he is good at chopping maybe because he's master at sharp things that even his mouth is sharp too... towards me.

"Goodmorning (Y/N)!" Firefly smiled at me and continue what she is doing while Blade wash his hand and kept his apron after he just did his part. "You're pretty fast and really good at chopping..." Firefly looked closely at the fine chopped ingredients before she added all of those ingredients on the pot to cook.

On the other hand as Blade finishes he sat down beside me despite of having 6 chairs in the dining table but he didn't say any word plus I think he's more focused at the food that is currently cooking right now by Firefly. Later on the kitchen filled one by one to have a breakfast together.

"It seems that we're running out of ingredients." Firefly said to Elio and he just nodded at Kafka to imply that we should restock our things here. "We will drop at the biggest mart that is 1 warp away from us. I rely these things to you Kafka." Elio take out his card and gave it to Kafka, I was kinda excited since it's the time again after 3 months.

It's one of the time I can get out of the Stellaron Hunter Headquarters and went out for groceries after all I am the one who notes all of our needs especially to our medical items.


As we arrived at the huge massive mart my sister and I decided to split the shop list note so we can save much time. Going on the right side Firefly or Currently Sam right now is with my sister and Silverwolf while on the left side which is me and Blade. The specific reason of I picked the left side route since mostly of the Aisle here contains food.


I start to put a bunch of things in a cart that Blade is pushing, "Why are wearing those, people are staring at us." I whispered to Blade and he didn't respond, It's odd that he's wearing shades and mask again covering his face, really a shame...

I sighed and snatched the shades from him as I wear it over my head, He stopped pushing the cart and tower over me. "Give it back." He said on a menacing and low tone which made me scared but I didn't give it back and continue to shop as if I didn't heard what he said.

He sighed and just rolled his eyes after seeing me going forward while looking at my list, I almost bumped into one lady while looking at my list and this lady is have a quite attitude. "Miss could you please watch where you are going?!" Blade pulled me to his side and the lady was a bit frightened as she suddenly walked out.

As I look up to Blade he was glaring at the lady and I giggled at him, "Now I kinda get it why you wanted to wear the shades but I won't give it back since your eyes are beautiful as it is even if you're glaring to someone." His eyes turned to me and it's visible on the looks of his face that he was surprised at what I said, as I realized it I quickly pulled away from him.

"L-let's continue..." I cleared my throat and looked at my list again but in case I stopped walking as I try to find where to get the big bottle of oil. 'Why do they even need to put this at high places!' I tried to reach for it, I can hold it but it's to heavy for me to carry. I chuckled awkwardly and smile sheepishly at Blade, "I need a little bit of help here..." Now that he got it he places it on the cart and we moved on to the next aisle.

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