48) Astral Express crew

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"(Y/N) do you like trailblazing that much?" Himeko suddenly asked me that make my attention turn to her. "Yes, because everyone in the Express is interesting and fun. The last time we trailblaze in Jarilo-VI I discovered and learn everyone... Even myself being a Stellaron hunter in the past..." My voice was filled with excitement before it dropped down to a quiet one as I said the 'Stellaron hunter'.

"Do you want to stay in the Astral Express?" She asked me again and I nodded with hesitation. "Do you mind that I stay here? Because I'm a Stellaron hunter?" Himeko looked at me worriedly and shaked her head. "It's not like that (Y/N)."

Pom-pom suddenly gave me a box and inside it there was a metallic insignia that resembles a Star Rail Special Pass. "Is this...?" My hands are slightly shaking and she gave me an reassuring smile. "Accept it if you want to stay with us. The Express departs from Akivili's home world and returns there before starting the journey anew. So the Express doesn't have a 'final stop' per se it's up to you where you disembark."

My eyes is filling up with tear and March hugged me and while patting the back of my head. "Such a crybaby!" I looked at everyone and saw their gentle smile at me which makes my heart at peace. "I officially welcome you as The Nameless or The Astral Express crew, (Y/N)" Welt said with a smile and nodded at me.

March let go from the hug and point where the Astral Express insignia is placed on her. "Want to place that on the same spot as mine so we are matching?" I nodded at her and she attached it on me, before I ran to Himeko and hugged her. "Thank you so much!"


Pom-pom leaves and suddenly an announcement was heard on a radio. "Ahem, hi, hello- Attention all passengers. Attention all passengers! The Express is about to conduct a warp jump. All passengers, please gather at the main hall." March suddenly standed up and offered a hand for me. "Up for a challenge?"

Before I can reply Pom-pom's voice was heard again on the radio. "Return to your seats and buckle up! Especially the one who likes challenging herself and falls over every time." I stifled a laughter knowing that Pom-pom is definitely talking about her.

"The train is about to make the jump! 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...!" Pom-pom started the countdown with a continuous 'I won't fall over!' by March. I almost fell over the couch when the train jumped but Caelus was sitting beside me so I was saved. After the Express made a successful warp jump we were greeted by the magnificent view of the Xianzhou ship from the outside galaxy.

"Woahhh, Xianzhou is a ship?! It's bigger than Jarilo-VI!" March eyes was fixated on the Xianzhou ever since her eyes laid on it. "It's a shame..." I sighed heavily. "For Xianzhou natives these ships are their planets... Alliance is such a Civilization." Dan Heng said with a glint of longing as he stares at the Xianzhou. Caelus pat Dan Heng on his shoulder as if sympathizing with him.

Himeko then ask for the dock's permission to enter the Xianzhou territory but it was stuck on repeat, after a while the Jade gate opened welcoming us on the Xianzhou Luofu.

"Goodluck... March, Caelus, and Mr. Yang..." I waved at them with a sad look, March giggled "Don't be so sad (Y/N), there's more opportunity awaits for you." She suddenly walk closer to me and whispered. 'Maybe it's your chance... Chance to level up that hand kiss you got from him... A kiss on the cheek...? Or a kiss on the L,I,P-' Before she said it completely I instantly covered her mouth.

"March!" I screamed with my face is flushed from what she just said, it got everyone's attention that makes me more embarrassed. She gave me a teasing smile and covered my face. "Are you okay?" Welt asked me and nodded my head again and again still covering my face.

"(Y/N) your face is red~" March didn't let me slide and continue to tease me earning a giggle from Himeko. "Stop teasing her March." "What did you say?" Caelus curiously asked March which she shaked her head putting her index finger to her lips. "It's a secret~"

"Take care of Caelus and March on the Xianzhou, be safe and goodluck." Himeko addresses to Welt and he nodded. "Take care of the Express too with (Y/N), Dan Heng, and Pom-pom Himeko." With that they departed for the Xianzhou.

" With that they departed for the Xianzhou

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