56) Stubborn

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By Dan Heng's power of the High Elder, Miraculously the sea water separted revealing an old ruin under the sea.

"Lady Fu, Remain here lead the Cloud Knights in defense of this passage. We must prevent further incidents." Jing Yuan voice become serious as he talk to Fu Xuan.

"Jing Yuan... General, are you planning to face Phantylia alone."

"I wouldn't say so. I'll be counting on a few friends for support." Jing Yuan addresses to us and suddenly Dan Heng grabbed my wrist quietly as he dragged me to a secluded place.

Thankfully as I looked back no one noticed us and before I can even speak he go first.
"It's too risky for all of us to face Phantylia she is an Emanator of Destruction so stay here with the Master Diviner and March, let us handle this thing."

3rd Person PoV:

Of course (Y/N) have her reason why she followed Dan Heng here at Xianzhou to ensure his safety but knowing that they're about to face an Emanator together with a two Express member she can't just watch them. Dan Heng couldn't help but slowly lose his cool infront of her.

"I know, it's dangerous but I can help, I'm not useless!"

"I know, but it's better for you to stay here."

"I can protect myself!"

"I know that too."

"Then why are you stopping me?! I just want to help and ensure your safety! plus I'm part of the Nameless now!"

"It's too risky."

"I know! that's why I wanted to go with you all!"

"Don't you know how worried I was when I heard from March that you followed me here?!"

"I'm worried about you too! So please..."



"(Y/N)! Why can't you just do what I said?!"

"I have my own mind and I'll do whatever I want to do!"

"(Y/N) you're acting like an 3 years old, stop being so stubborn!"

"I won't be if you're not stopping me-"

(Y/N)'s PoV:

My words were cutted off when his lips touches mine, all of those heated argument we just had drowned out because of a kiss. My eyes widened and froze at my spot while Dan Heng is holding my cheeks as he let his lips stayed intertwined with mine.

I waited him to pull away but out of surprise I pushed him away, his eyes widened too when he realized it. "I'm... sorry... I didn't ask for your consent."

I can't say anything and I didn't say anything due to shockness, his lips still linger on mine, "A-anyway... Please... stay here with the Diviner and March." With that he started to walk back to the team again, I followed him with a head down and of course my face is a blushing mess.

"Did something happened?" I raised my head when Caelus patted my head and asked with his voice is laced with worry. "E-EH?! W-W-WHY DO Y-YOU AS-K?!" Startled by my reaction Caelus jumped a bit, "Anyway, Dan Heng just talked to us that March and You will be left here with Fu Xuan so..." He leaned closer to me and whispered sweetly with his breath touching my ears, "We will be back safely. So wait for us.. or rather... wait for me because..."

He didn't continue his words and Welt give a gentle smile at me, "It's good that you're safe (Y/N), Himeko and Pom-pom were worried when you left the Express. March and (Y/N) watch each others back and be safe."


Fu Xuan was talking to the Cloud knights planning an retreat route and planning a defense if ever something happened like an Legions ambush. March wrapped her hand around my arm while I let myself be dragged by her anywhere as my mind still spacing out, digesting all... All what happened today.

3rd Person PoV:

As March 7th was walking with (Y/N) or rather dragging her... of course it's hard for her not to strike an conversation especially they haven't met for days. "(Y/N) so what happened when you arrived here? Did you arrived safely? or... did something bad happened? How did you arrived here though with Dan Heng and The General?"

March didn't got any response from (Y/N) and waved her hand infront of her eyes, "Hello? (Y/N)? are you still with me?" (Y/N) shaked her head and removed March 7th's hand on her arm. "Sorry but I want to be alone for a mean time." "H-hey! Where are you-"

Fu Xuan tapped March 7th's shoulder and shaked her head, saying that it's better to leave her alone. "She seemed troubled but I don't think she's ready to open up. Let's just look after her from afar."


Some time has passed and the sun is starting to set but those four... Jing Yuan, Dan Heng, Caelus, and Welt is probably still fighting with that Emanator. While (Y/N) is sitting at the sea shore since earlier still staring at the waves crashing the sands again and again. That's when Fu Xuan decided to talk to her.

(Y/N)'s PoV:

"Greetings... (Y/N) right?" I heard an voice and the long hair pink girl named Fu Xuan approach me and nodded at her. "Hello, Master Diviner... uhmm Fu Xuan?" She nodded at me her look instantly become serious and she glared somewhere else's direction. "Is something matter?"

"He's been watching over you since earlier... oh- they just left." I looked confused and looked around. "Who are you talking about?" "Those Stellaron Hunters, well it seems that they won't stir any trouble but be mindful of your surroundings, okay?" I nodded again and March walk to us.

"(Y/N)..." Her eyes are about to tear up and she makes me more confused, "(Y/N)... let's talk, I missed you but you just pushed me away!" I hugged her and pat her head, "I'm sorry... I need to sort so many things." She hugged me tightly and teared up. "You know that you can always talk to me right???!!!"

"It seems they are here." Fu Xuan said as she followed the Cloud knights that was rushing to their directions to help their General who was sleeping while Caelus and Dan Heng is supporting him.

"Welcome back Mr. Yang, Caelus and Dan Heng!" March waved her hand excitedly seeing our companion again safely.

 Yang, Caelus and Dan Heng!" March waved her hand excitedly seeing our companion again safely

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