76) Sword

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With Firefly's knowledge with medicinal stuffs she succesfully treated (Y/N), Kafka had been watching over her sister and finally a smile is plastered on her lips when she saw her sister's eyes are starting to open.

"(Y/N)? How are you feeling?" She hold her hand to get her attention, "If only I didn't tag you along with our mission this won't happen to you... I'm so sorry... I failed to protect you as your older sister." (Y/N) grasped her sister hand using her other hand to reassure her. "I'm safe right now and you are too. That's enough for me."

Kafka hugged her sister as she was lying on her bed with an bandage wrapped around her arm. "Can you teach me how to use swords?" Kafka hesitates for a moment but this knowledge can be her self protection she gave (Y/N) a smile and a nod. "I can teach you how to use guns in the future, so get well soon."


(Y/N)'s PoV:

Finally! It's been a week after I got into that accident, My sister take care of me even though she's busy after all the mission Elio gave to her. Thanks to Firefly and Silverwolf I'm not much bored since my sister strictly advices me to not move too much and just rest up. I think she's being too overprotective but I know it's for my good I didn't dare to disobey her words.

Actually there's reason why I asked my sister to teach me how to weild sword. First of all for my self-defense and also to protect my sister too. Next is to help my sister on her mission so she would not take too many task from Elio.

There's times that I felt guilty that I'm just a burden, after all she worries about me so much despite how busy she was, she even treat me like some sort of a kid even though I'm 20 years old.


"Okay now (Y/N) test your sword first find a good grip on it, it's important to have your comfortable position to hold your sword for great power." She passed me a wooden sword it's pretty heavy and sturdy. Suddenly all my sister's words disappeard in my brain as I held the sword with a silly smile that is plastered across my face.

'I see! This is why I saw him sanding a wood because for this! I'll treasure this and hug this to sleep!' My sister suddenly tapped my wooden sword with her magenta katana. "Why is my dear sister spacing out with a smile?" She asked me with a teasing smirk and I instantly shaked my head.

"I know what's on your mind and yes, Bladie made that sword for you." I smiled and swinging the sword happily completely didn't do what's the first step she said. 'He really made this specifically for me!!!'


3rd Person PoV earlier:

Kafka is talking to Elio about her sister who wanted to learn how to weild sword so she is in hope for Elio to lessen the mission they will give to her. Blade comes in right in the time when those two were talking.

"Blade, I have an favor. I've heard your a swordsman before, I'm sure you make weapons. (Y/N) wanted to learn how to use swords, please make one for her." Elio said and Blade was silent for a while before he speaks.

"Why me... and Why do I need to make one for her." Elio shakes their head and talks again, "You're the only one who can do that, Remember you're part of the Stellaron Hunters now." Blade nodded and accepted the storage room key from Elio before Blade left towards the storage room to do his task Elio spoke again. "Also, if Kafka is busy with her mission try training with (Y/N)." Blade scoffed and head to the storage room without replying to Elio.

*Blade is forced to make a wooden sword because of Elio's command.*


After the training I showered and slump right on my soft mattress after the strict session I had, I didn't knew that my sister is so good using her sword plus she can use guns too. I can't help but admire her more, she's my role model I wanted to be like her.

"Ugh... I'm so tired..." I set the wooden sword leaning beside my nightstand and I smiled remembering him. "I can't believe he made this specifically for me... You! Are you trying to make me fall in love with you." I pointed the sword as if I'm talking to the person who made the sword.

Suddenly I remembered that he uses sword too, the way he swung his sword and pierces through the air is amazing. My face suddenly went red and close my eyes tight shut. "NOOO! I REMEMBERED IT AGAIN! HIS..."

My head really have a copy how Blade is training that day... But the most important detail of them all is the way the sweats on his forehead slides down to his jaw and his build body under his tight shirt.

I kick my feet in the air while I'm telling my brain to stop it's memory replay because I'm getting flustered. A bright idea suddenly comes into my mind, "What if I asked him to train me?! Ohhh! Good job (Y/N) I'm so proud of you!." I hugged my pillow to sleep with a smile because of the idea I got.

" I hugged my pillow to sleep with a smile because of the idea I got

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