12) Forgive?

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Same time at (Y/N)'s side:

I didn't know exactly where my power brings me and even more confused what is this place? this place is so dark, the sky is color dark and somehow the air is suffocating. I'm currently standing on a playground there's slides and swings... An Orphanage, but the place is abandoned since the Fragmentum corrosion was invading all the place.

I sat silently at the swing and feel my tears runs down through my cheeks as Dan Heng's suspicion on me keeps repeating inside my head like an broken casette tape. "Why do I feel so heartbroken at his doubts?"

"Hook! Julian! Alina! Quit playing hide and seek! Big brother Luka has something to give you!" The man's voice was loud and clear and he reached the playground of the orphanage. The man saw me crying in one of the swings and he sat on the swing too beside me. "Miss, are you okay?" His voice was smooth and soothing giving a sense of comfort, I shaked my head saying "I'm not okay." He gave me a reassuring smile. "If you want to talk about it then I'm here to listen, By the way... I'm Luka what about you?" I tried to gave him a soft smile but it turns out that I did make a bitter smile. "I'm... (Y/N), nice to meet you... Luka."


I sob at my hands as I tell him about the events what happened earlier. "It hurts so much! I feel like my feelings was invalidated when he keeps pressing the topic that I was a Stellaron hunter-" For the second time the flash of sharp pain goes inside my head again and passed out on the spot.

"This is your job, everyone who comes in your way must be eliminated"

The unfamiliar voice rang inside my head again and this time it was so clear making me shiver down through my spine because of the way I understand it, it was terrifying.

Third Person PoV:

As (Y/N) suddenly passed out she almost fell on the swing but thankfully Luka instantly grabbed her, "Miss? Wake up." Luka tried to wake (Y/N) and carried her to Natasha's clinic. Dan Heng, Caelus, and March 7th was shocked seeing the unconscious body in Luka's arm but Luka immediately reassures them. "She just passed out earlier, she will wake up soon."

It's been a whole 2 days since Luka brought (Y/N) on the clinic but she was still sleeping, the trio was getting more worried and anxious. Caelus was holding her hand tightly as she's still not waking up these past few days.


His eyes lightened up when he felt my hand moving slightly and stirred up causing my eyes to flutter. Caelus hugged me before I can even fully regain my consciousness, same with March 7th sharing their warmth to me. "(Y/N)!!! Finally you're awake! I missed you!" March 7th teared out of joy as she hugs me more tighter than before. While they're hugging me my eyes wandered and saw Dan Heng on the corner of the clinic leaning against the wall keeping an eye at us.

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