71) Family

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The joyful voice I heard came from a child named Mica, her family was a close friends of ours after we moved in. We have 12 years age gap since she was 8 years old and I'm currently 20 years old. Our place is in a little residential area, very isolated to the cities.

It seems that they just came back with her family after their 1 week vacation. She tackled me on a hug followed by her mom's giggle. "It's been a while!!!" I hug the small figure of a child who was tightly clinging on to me who definitely misses me after not seeing each other for a week.

"It seems you two misses each other a lot, why are you here outside? Waiting for your sister?" Her dad comes up as he was carrying their baggages from the trip. "Yes... She said she will come home early but it's getting late." I had my head down as my tone suddenly went worried and sadness.

We were once 5 in a family members My mom, dad, little brother, big sister, and me. Our family were once happy not until some random guys ambushed our house, I saw by my two own eyes how my loved ones die and spent their last breath.

"W-when yo-your s-sister... comes b-back..." My mother was coughing blood after her body recieve an gunshot from the guys who was making rains of bullets inside our house. I was crying loudly while holding my mom's arms firmly as she was saying her last words.

"Le-leave... far away... Remember, M-mommy l-loves you a-all... me and y-your d-daddy... loves you al- all..."

It was 5 years ago when I was 15 years old...

(TW: Mentions of Blood and Death)

3rd Person Pov:

(Y/N)'s family is great they have their own house and they're not suffering from financial issues, although the kids doesn't know what are their parents job. They all know that they're office worker and kids are not allowed.

"Today is a special dayyy." (Y/N)'s father brought a cake and as (Y/N)'s mother was preparing for their dinner. Their childrens were excited of course since from morning to dusk they didn't know that there's a speacial occassion. "It's our anniversary, the day I swore that we will love each other until we die." Her mom giggled and hug her husband with their lovely children. It's their 20th year anniversary of their wedding, the same year where their first children was born named _____.

"In my 20th year I didn't know?! I'll buy some memorable gifts." Her parents tried to stop their daughter but she was fast to even stop her. "Let's eat when she comes back." Her mom calmly said while their youngest kid whined. "I'm so excited to eat the cake though!"

They wait for her and when her father went out to check out for their oldest daughter he suddenly came inside and locked every door and window. "Hon? What's going on? She... Was outside you can't just leave her there."

Her mother worriedly said but she have a feeling it was connected to their work. "I know but hide them first." He was looking out and get a gun in their drawer, suddenly it started to rain bullets from outside of their house.

The people outside of their house merciless shot their guns multiple times without hesitation, they don't care... they are just doing their... job.

(Y/N) and her little brother didn't understand what is happening, those repeated gunshot is too loud to bear with their innocent ears who dearly received sweet words from their parents everyday. The bang of the loud shots, the sound of breaking window glasses it was all enough to make them loudly cry from fear.

"M-mom what's going- o-on!" Little (Y/N) cries and her last part of sentence ended up in scream as a bullet passed nearly her. They was about to hide in their basement but another bullet came in.

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