83) Sparring

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(Y/N)'s PoV:

I feel like my world stop as she answered my question confidently, 'she like him... and he likes her... they're literally made for each other.' A part of me saying that I should accept it since I more prioritize my relationship with my sister but anoter part of me can't accept it.

"What's wrong?" My sister voice snapped my thoughts as she waving her hand infront of me, "You suddenly spaced out while I'm talking. Did you heard what I said?"

I nodded at her but she repeated what she just said. "I said. Of course I like him for you."

"Huh?" My eyes blink at her many times unable to process what she just said... 'she doesn't like him? They're not lovers? But why they're always together... but maybe Blade likes her...' It seems I spaced out again after seeing her wave her hand infront of me to get my attention.

"You're spacing out again, is something wrong with you? I'm really worried." I looked up into my sister and I can feel it on her voice that she is worried for me, I'm guilty but I can't help but raised my voice at her.

"Sister! You're sleeping with contact lens on! It's dangerous!" She grab a mirror on her nightstand to check. "Don't worry dear I'm just taking a nap." I stand up from her bed to give her the contact lens case that was placed on her desk. "Here, take it off."

After storing her contact lens she suddenly pulled me into a hug, "It seems my worrywart and lovable sister is back again to herself." I was stunned at her words but probably she's right because I was avoiding them on purpose, I hugged her back without saying a word.

'Right, there's many guys in this universe, I can definitely move on. My sister is already enough for me, I don't need a guy.'

"I'm sorry about earlier Sister..." I break the hug and gave her an apologetic smile unexpectedly she gave me a pat on my head. "Is something bothering you? I'm all ears you know."

3rd Person PoV:

(Y/N) giggled and shaked her head. "Not anymore, I'm completely fine now! With you by my side is enough so don't worry about me." She tackled her sister on a hug which Kafka return matching (Y/N)'s energy.

Kafka smiles after her little sister return to herself she have no time to dwell about what is really bothering her earlier when she saw her smile. "Oh! Speaking of dear~ I have a surprise for you!" Kafka stand up from her bed and carry the black box that was placed on her desk.

"It's for me?" (Y/N) asked with a confused face as she stares at the box that was placed infront of her. Kafka nodded at her with a smile, "Of course, you can open it right now." (Y/N) excitedly unwrap the ribbon was around it to open the mysterious box infront of her.

Her eyes sparkled seeing a katana in the box, The steel is so clear reflecting the lights on Kafka's room and the unexplainable glow of the shiny gold that is combing with the white handle of the katana. "No way... This is for me...?" She giggled at her little sister's reaction. "It's for you, As Elio said that we won't be busy the next days I can help you to train."

Inspo pic.

(Y/N) couldn't contain her happiness and excitement to test and try the new sword her sister brought for her

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(Y/N) couldn't contain her happiness and excitement to test and try the new sword her sister brought for her. "Thank you- thank you! You're the best sister I love youuu!" She tackled her sister in to a hug while clinging into her happily which earned a giggle from Kafka.


(Y/N)'s PoV:

I excitedly get up from my bed and freshen up myself to try out my new sword that my sister brought out for me. I can barely sleep at how my excitement get ahead of me. Last night after I recieved my new sword I take it to my room before heading to Firefly's room to thank her for listening to me.

As I head towards the training room I saw in the hall as Blade is heading towards the training room too, I walked passed him without saying a word. I found Sam again in the training room doing a yoga as he peacefully sitting on a yoga mat.

I happily swung my sword in the air still feeling happy about it, after all, It was a beautiful sword gifted by my own sister. Blade on the other hand is sitting with his sword on his lap as he stares on it.

As I basically hitting the air with slash and thrust suddenly I instantly stopped when I almost hitted a figure who suddenly appeared beside me. "Good for you." Blade said out of nowhere and I nodded hesitantly as a response.

"H-how's the color? Do you like it?" He asked with a slight stutter from him and I smiled observing my sword even to it's smaller details. "Of course!" "I see." After that he walks away... Weird...

After a while Firefly called us to have an breakfast with them first before doing our own agendas. Silverwolf is sitting at the dining chair completely focused on her game with her brows furrowed I tap her lightly to check up on her. "You okay there?"

"Ugh! What was that for?!I accidentally pressed the wrong skill and now I have to retry!" Silverwolf didn't take off her eyes on her device as she suddenly snapped at me. "Oh? The abyss just refreshed?" "Yup, The enemies are kinda tanky and it's pissing me off!"


3rd Person PoV :

All of them head again to the training room after the breakfast. Kafka is training (Y/N) with her new sword, Blade and Sam are having a spar while Silverwolf are showing her new aether editing to Firefly.

Sooner each groups sparring with Kafka, (Y/N), Blade, and Sam gets interesting as they decided to have a sparring collab. Kafka and (Y/N) are allies while their enemy is Blade and Sam. "Their sparring suddenly became interesting." Silverwolf take out her phone to record as she speak on a anticipating tone.

" Silverwolf take out her phone to record as she speak on a anticipating tone

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Author's Note:
Slow update rahhhhh I'm so sorry huhuhuhu. Busy in school since it was exam week last week and I'm still grinding for Aventurine finishing and forcing myself to finish the stage 5 of GnG... yeah I'm weak at game... but I'll try to write more so more updates.

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