26) Echoes

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Gepard was stunned after reading the letter in his hand, it was Bronya's letter. "The decision is yours to decide, brother..." Serval study his expression after he read Bronya's letter.

"As a captain of the Silvermane Guards, I am duty-bound to carry out the orders of the Supreme Guardian." Gepard pauses and look at the four of us before he continued. "But if you are using lies to mask your true intentions, using my sister and Bronya for your own ends. I swear by Qlipoth that I will carry out your punishment without an ounce of mercy."

Seele put her hands on her hips with a confident smile. "I'm sure they're not lying, they've been a big help to Underwolders."

Gepard nodded and his head turn towards the big gate ahead of us. "Once that big gate open it will head to a snow plain and might see what you've been seeking for but a warning those fragmentum monster are more and more powerful."

"Guards formation!" Gepard commanded all the guards around the station as the gates open... This is just the first wave of the monster.

Gepard is already near on fainting after the first wave, of course since he already wasted his energy on us 6 against 1 is really incredible. He did manage to block all of my attacks but thankfully he did or else he became an ashes.

Serval gave us an bitter smile and tell us to go on before we attract too many fragmentum monster. "The Stellaron is so close yet... Everyone go! Before Cocolia notice our moves!"
"You're not coming with us now Serval?" March asked her with a worry on her voice, I looked at her with a sad eyes and she give me a smile. "Actually, my selfish reason to go with you guys is to prove Cocolia I'm not wrong about the research but I have my own responsibilities, I can't just let my brother die out here."

"I'm going to take a picture of Stellaron for you Serval!" March added and her cheery voice towards her somewhat gives us more energy to fight.


March 7th tightened her hands that holding mine after seeing a memories of Bronya and Cocolia by a Fragmentum corrosion. "Those echoes! Isn't it a bit creepy and right now ths temperature is much colder plus... Why I kinda feel there's many eyes watching us!" Her voice is really trembling maybe in cold and fear... Maybe both. I caress her hand gently to make her relax from all the tension thankfully it worked out.

"To arrive at the snowy plains on the north... Where probably the Stellaron is. I'm afraid we need to exit this maze first." Dan Heng looked around to find some mechanisms to open the gate where the echo is near.

"I hope that Supreme Guardian Witch haven't do anything bad to Bronya." Seele gritted her teeth and we all splitted to find and repair some mechanisms to open another gate.

" Seele gritted her teeth and we all splitted to find and repair some mechanisms to open another gate

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