92) Did she?

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A sudden confession escape your lips that you didn't even know why you blurted it out in this kind of situation. Blade greeted his teeth and grabbed your arm that was injured, tightly.

A wince of pain comes out loudly from your mouth because of his strong grip, "Ow ow ow!'

"Like me... huh? You're just basically out of your mind, go seek therapy."

"Excuse me?! My mind is at right condition and I mean it. I like you."

You repeated, you stare right to him and you can't tell if his face is red because of blush or his fuming anger towards you.

"If you're mind is at right condition, you won't like me. You would hate me, you would be afraid of me. You're crazy and I don't like crazy woman."

He let go of your arm and turn away to leave. He's basically insulting you even though you're delivering your feelings nicely and affectionately. This makes you raise your voice at him.

"Why do you hate so much! If you don't like me just go ahead and reject me, do you really have to insult me?!"

Blade who just heading to his room from the training room he have his sword in his hand. This sword was the one that was pierced in your arm that is right now touching your neck by supporting it with your own hand.

"You know what just cut off my neck instead of my arms. This is what you want right? When you were Mara-stricken."

"Both of you stop please!" Sam suddenly appeared put of nowhere and jumped in to pull you away from Blade. You were grasping Blade's sword by your own hand and Firefly pulled you that makes your palm bleed.

"(Y/N)!" Firefly transform back to her own self again as she panicked. "Blade go ahead first at the meeting, Elio's been calling us and I'll treat her first."

"Does it hurt?" Firefly asked worriedly as she gently damp an alcohol cotton ball to clean the wound, you were quiet as Firefly's been treating your cut in your room.

"Mhm it does..." you said calmly while gritting your teeth for endurance.

"What happened between you two earlier? I've heard your yell but it's not audible."

"It's nothing... wait... you said there was a meeting?"

Firefly nod. "Yeah, Elio seems happy to share a news when he said to call you all."

"Let's hurry then."

"Don't worry, he won't start the meeting without us complete there." She wrapped my hand with a bandage and sighed. "Kafka will be worried again..."

I smiled at Firefly and pointed out my sister's gloves that was sitting on my desk. "This is just a little thing, hiding it won't be bad."


3rd Person PoV:

Finally all of them arrived at the meeting room and shortly Elio began to speak. "Alright, since everyone is here. I will not beat around the bush. We will have a vacation at Teyvat."

(Y/N) and Silverwolf's eyes suddenly sparkled brightly after processing the good news from Elio who stated it calmly.

"IS THIS FOR REAL?! THE WORLD PF TEYVAT THAT IS GENSHIN IMPACT INSPIRED OF?!" They both screamed in unison making Elio chuckled and nod.

Silverwolf and (Y/N) high fived at each other because of excitement.

"OWW!" Your sudden yelp catches everyone attetion and decided to laugh it off but inside your self your hand is in great pain from the impact considering that the cut is still fresh.

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