43) Burnt

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I stayed up all night watching a video tutorial and researching more references on how to make a waffle since I saw it on the recipe book. My eyes sparkled after doing a taste test on the waffle I made.

I tied up my hair on bun and wear a simple blouse and skirt with apron so my appearance won't scare Pom-pom again because no one will want another punishment. Speak of the devil Pom-pom entered the kitchen to make a breakfast for the express, "Goodmorning Pom-pom! Have a taste on a waffle I made, it's still hot!" Pom-pom rubbed their eyes but there's still a look of hesitation. "So energetic early in the morning (Y/N)."

I can see how Pom-pom eyes lit up with happiness when they eat the waffle and enthusiastically asked them. "How was it? Is it good? Or bad?" Pom-pom nodded their head matching the same energy I had, "It's surprisingly good!" My face suddenly went unamused hearing it again... 'surprisingly'.

"Hmmm... (Y/N) what kind of toppings will you use?" Pom-pom asked me before they noticed the red mark on the back of my hand. "What happened on your hand?!" I felt the sting again when Pom-pom grabbed it for a closer check. "O-ouchh! D-... don't touch it, it stings so badly!" Pom-pom suddenly ran away from the kitchen and I gently let my hand ran in a cold water to ease the pain.

Not so long Pom-pom came back again with a kit. "Why did you burn your hand." Pom-pom started to apply some ointment in my hand gently but it still sting everytime the cotton lands on the back of my hand, this causes me to back away my hand from time to time or whine in pain. "It accidentally touched the other side of the iron when I'm pouring another batch of the batter." I tried my best to hide the pain with a smile but it failed.

Another familiar face entered the kitchen and it was Dan Heng, "Good morning." He said on a monotone voice and walk up to me and Pom-pom who was treating my burned hand. "Good morning Dan Heng! I think I successfully made an breakfast for everyone." I smiled feeling proud from the successful waffle I made.

"What happened at your hand first?" After Pom-pom treated it Dan Heng gently take my hand on his to take a closer look. Pom-pom who was cutting a fruits to make a toppings answered him. "She accidentally burnt her hands while cooking... And she didn't treated it!" "I'm sorry... I thought it will get better if I just ran it with cold water..." I protested back while I can feel the frustrated tone on Pom-pom's voice.

"Take a break, I'll finish up the remaining batter to cook them." Dan Heng put an apron on him and silently started to cook them. 'He's really a not a talkative guy...' I thought to myself as I observe him cooking the waffle.

"Oh what is this good smell?" Himeko entered the kitchen and not so long Caelus, March, and Welt arrived at the kitchen too. I tried to untie the apron I put earlier but it was too tight, I really struggled to tie this earlier making too many tight knots. "Uhh March can you help me untie this apron?" I called out to March feeling my fingers tired trying to untie this impossible knots.

"(Y/N) what did you do...?" March looked completely bewildered seeing how I tied my apron. Making all of them curious, Caelus tried to stop his laughter but it still escape his mouth. March cutted it with a scissors but of course the apron is not usable now because it has no tie to make it fit your body. I was free but Pom-pom is glaring at me because the apron goes to waste now.

 I was free but Pom-pom is glaring at me because the apron goes to waste now

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