82) Inseperable

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3rd Person PoV on the other side earlier:

As Kafka left the kitchen to follow (Y/N) Firefly and Sam followed her but unexpectedly Silverwolf follow them too along with Blade because basically Silverwolf is dragging Blade. They all heard their conversation, Silverwolf and Firefly jaw dropped as they glace up to Blade.

'No, I don't like him, I don't like him... at all.' They're were surprised when (Y/N) suddenly ran but thankfully she didn't looked back or else she will know that they were eavesdropping.


Kafka came back to their dining area to finish her own plate with a dejected face. "How do I get her to open up to me... Also did something happen while we're gone?" She asked Elio but he shakes his head.

"Just give her time... or use your 'Ability'. She sighed as she put down her utensils. "When I got the Spirit whisper ability I swear that I won't use this to her." Firefly jumped in the conversation to help Kafka. "I can try to talk to her."


(Y/N)'S PoV:

I hide under my blanket crying as I hug my pillow, I kept wiping off my tears that falling to my cheeks. "Why I am crying over a guy!" I clenched my shirt on my heart area. I slowly calmed down after my tears dried out, my eyes feel swollen so I decided to sleep it off.

Before I can teleport to a deep slumber a knock on my door was heard, "(Y/N)? Are you there?" It was Firefly's soft and gentle voice. I grab a tissue cleaning off my face so its not visible that I cried.

"What's the matter?" I asked her but her face turn into worry. "I should be the one asking you that... I'm worried about you... Your feelings will bottle up it's good to have someone you can rant on to..." I had my head down, she is right. It's true. I've been relying to my sister always, she makes me feel better and even gave me an advice but now... The only one I have is myself.

Firefly held both of my hand to get my attention. "It doesn't have to be me, you can rely to everyone here." She gave me a reassuring smiled and pat me on my shoulder. Tears suddenly run down on my cheeks as I feel emotional on Firefly's word.

"Come in here first." I said to her while I'm wiping off my tears, she was confused but her expression was written more in her face as she saw me crying.

"I'm scared... that everyone would judge me... You see... I like Blade... a lot. The first time our eyes met I feel the spark, it's confusing but it does feels good. I can feel my heart racing, it's so warm and fuzzy inside me but maybe he and my sister are a thing... they look good to each other too. It's pathetic right? Im jealous on my own sister. I'm pathetic that I like my Sister's lover."

Firefly listened to me while I'm telling her about what I feel, she waited for me to finish all of my words while she is comforting me by patting my back.

3rd Person PoV:

'So... she were jealous all this time... ehe~ she's so cute at time like this.' Firefly thought after remembering that Kafka tried many times setting them up together and Kafka always talk about her with Blade. 'Well... I do feel bad and sad that she feels that way but probably she's not aware that she's pouting right now. I wanna squish her cheeks!'

There was a smile on Firefly's face but (Y/N)'s face is head down for the embarrassment she was feeling so she didn't see it, otherwise she will think that Firefly isn't serious with her problem or something.

"I think it's best to clear such things with Kafka, maybe you're right but you're not 100% about what you think right?"

"But... He likes my sister... Why it can't be me?!"

"Calm down... You can sort out your feelings slowly. Take your time."


(Y/N)'s PoV:

I didn't hesitate anymore as I leave my own room to go to my sister, I don't want a gap between our relationship since our ability, knowledge, strength, and experience have already been wide gap .

I ran to her room only to find her sleeping, I'm scared and nervous but I trust her that nothing will change between our relationship if I tell her the truth any sooner. "She's not like that... After all she is my sister..."


3rd Person PoV:
(many years ago)

(Y/N) was born when Kafka is 5 years old, since (Y/N) is still an infant and Kafka is way too younger their mother is with them to guide them and take care of them not until when (Y/N) turns 4 years old. Their mother decided to help their father at work, the schedule is a bit messed up but her mother schedule is 6am-4pm and her father schedule is 10am-6pm.

The two girls will play together as they wait for a homeschool teacher, It's Kafka's homeschool teacher since her parents plan is (Y/N) will start her preschool at the age of 5. (Y/N) diligently listening to the teacher but she doesn't take any exams or activities.

Since Kafka is older the lesson she take is more advance than the lesson that (Y/N) should take but unexpectedly the homeschool teacher observed that she is a very fast learner despite her age.

A warm rays of sun is peeking through the glass window as little (Y/N) is scribbling random thing on a paper while Kafka is briefly cleaning the place where they where usually study. This is the siblings usually do while they wait for the teacher.

Meanwhile after the class ended the two would play and eventually fell asleep while they wait for their mother to come home. The two always get surprised when their mom wakes them up on a couch holding their favorite snacks.


3rd Person PoV:

(Y/N) sobbed recalling some good nostalgic memories from their childhood, she and her sister where inseperable- they're like twins. They would share cream puffs, brownies, sandwiches, and cinnamon rolls plus the drinks that their mother prepare like juices and sometimes chocolate milk. Those two not only enjoy the food but also the accompany of each other.

Kafka's sleep was disturbed by the crying noise near her, it was (Y/N)'s sobbing with her two hands on he face. "...(Y/N)?! W-why are you crying?" She was surprised all of a sudden and decided to hug her while brushing her hair to calm her down.

Kaka didn't say anything as she waits for her little sister to calm down a bit not until (Y/N) started to talk and throw a question to her sister. "D-do... Do you like... Blade?"

"Of course."

Author's Note:

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Author's Note:

Aventurine trailer is outttt. AVENTURINE WANTERS WILL BE AVENTURINE HAVERS!😤✊... well I need to win my 99.99% not guaranteed so y'all goodluckk

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