45) Remembrance

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I urgently knocked at March's room and when she let me in, I dive in her bed kicking my feet in the air while burying my red face on her pillow. "(Y/N)?! What's wrong?" She sat beside me with a surprised expression on her face.

I sat up and caress my hand where the feeling of his lips still linger on it, "S-something... happened..." I stuttered, everytime I remember it my heart can't help but race. "Something?!" March leaned closer to me very eager to know what I'm gonna say.

"D-Da- an..." I managed to utter the first part of his name on a small voice as I stuttered. I fiddled with my fingers while March is getting more and more curious and that's when she held both of my shoulder to look at me directly in the eyes.

"Don't keep me on the edge, Tell me! tell meeee!" She started to shake me and I hold her shoulder too, to stop her. "I-I'm trying...!" I slapped my face and get a grip to get courage and tell March "He... He kissed my hand and my heart won't stop beating so fast!" I said quickly then buried my head on the pillow as I can feel my face heat up again.

"He? Who? Caelus? Dan Heng?" March was kinda surprised but then suddenly she snatched the pillow that I'm using to cover my face only to see her expression with an playful smile. "Aren't your hair is too long? I almost stepped at it."

"Huh...?" I tilted my head in confusion because of her sudden change of topic while I touched my hair if it's long. "It's kinda long but it's not long enough to be stepped on." I brushed my hair with my hand and I can tell it's not long since it doesn't even reached my waist.

March shaked her head and sighed. "Ugh, forget it. So who is it? The prince charming who kissed you dear hand?" She asked on a teasing tone with a teasing smile full of playfulness. "It's... Dan Heng..." March covered her mouth with a follow up exaggerated gasps. "He did that? What? When? Where? Why? And How?"

"I don't know too..." I looked my hand and hid it behind my back. "March what should I do?" I slapped my face with my two hand lightly as I questioned March and suddenly she have a smirk on her face. "Why not ask him? Oh-! Right, what did he do after that?"

"Uh... He k-kissed my hand again..." I said on a quiet voice again as I fiddled my fingers. "Ehhh?! He didn't do it once but twice?!" March did the exaggerated gasp again and think for a moment. "Did you notice something's wrong with his behavior?"

I tried to recall what happened, "Nothing... He still looks calm like the usual..." March giggled and pinched my cheek playfully. "He definitely li-... Nevermind I'll leave that to both of you." Suddenly my phone got a notification from Tears of Themis reminding me of full AP.

March peeked out of curiosity and gasped again out of nowhere. "You two... Are you secretly dating? Why you have a picture together and made it as a wallpaper?" I didn't have much an reaction from it and just shrugged. "It's my first picture when he gave me this phone."

"Why I kinda feel that I'm left out... My camera... Don't worry you won't lost your job." March mumbled holding her camera patting it, adding her dramatic cry. A sudden camera shutter makes me suddenly jumped out of her bed. " A Hand kiss remembrance picture, thank me later." March snap a picture of my bandaged hand with a proud face and pass me the film picture.

" March snap a picture of my bandaged hand with a proud face and pass me the film picture

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