61) Reassurance

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(Y/N)'s PoV:

I screamed as I wake up and I can't help but burst in tears again and hit my head again and again... I've been experienced this three times in a row today and it's not really good for me. I'm not currently in myself as I screamed while crying and wanting to pluck all of my hair out like I want to take all of my nightmares away in my mind.

Suddenly a reassuring grip in my hand I felt, thankfully those four stopped me to hurt myself as Himeko and March held out my hand. I didn't hesitate to throw myself in her arms to seek comfort, I felt a hand that was gently brushing my hair and it was Caelus. "Sorry I left you earlier..."

I continued to sob on Himeko and bits by bits I wanted to tell them... "Da...Dan Heng... He..." "You can tell us when you're ready." Welt added calmly while he patted my head gently. "D-Dan Heng...!" "Welt please call him." Himeko said in an urgent tone to Welt and he nodded already know what he should do but instead Caelus stopped him. "I'll call him by myself."

Caelus PoV:

'I know, I know (Y/N)... The way you look at him... The way you smile at him... The way you talk to him... The way you call out to him... All of those! I was envious! wishing that it should've been me! I'm just an Stellaron Vessel after all I didn't know I can feel this thing... I didn't know that I let that feeling of "Love" towards you grows inside me. It pains me seeing you in this state (Y/N) because of him.'

I urgently knocked at his door when I reached it and of course ge didn't respond it... it's been days since he's been locking himself. "Dan Heng, Open the door please!" He didn't respond again and this when I decided to shout. "Open this door or I will kick this to open!" Thankfully after a moment he opened his door. "I want to be alone for no-" Without hesitation when his door finally open I slid myself in his room.

"What are you-" I cutted his words with as I do deliver my words with an urgent tone. "She needs you... (Y/N) needs you!" He remained silent for a moment and suddenly he grabbed my clothes as he started to push me outside of his door, I grabbed his hand that was gripping my clothes to stop him. "What's with you?! you've been isolating yourself in the Express. Do you not care about us? even if it's (Y/N)?!"

"You can do it yourself." He simply said. 'Ugh this guy is so strong!' I thought to myself as he was keep dragging me. "Didn't you heard me?! (Y/N) needs you! (Y/N) needs Dan Heng! She's having a nightmare since last night... and right now she seemed really in pain the first thing came out from her mouth was your name." He was silent for a moment and lose his grip on my clothes as he rushed her room.

3rd Person PoV:

Dan Heng arrived in her room, he saw Himeko and Welt are in a serious talk, March 7th and Pom-pom are beside her as they kept watching her. "How's... (Y/N)...?" He asked slightly panting because he came in a hurry. Himeko and Welt smiled after seeing Dan Heng's presence in (Y/N)'s room, "It seems that she fall asleep again after calming down." Himeko said on a low voice to avoid waking (Y/N) who was comfortably resting her whole weight at March 7th. With Welt's help he gently laid her comfortably at her bed for a proper posture in her sleep.

"Dan Heng... stay with her... it seems the two of you need to talk with each other when she wakes up." Dan Heng nodded at Himeko's word and with that he's left alone in (Y/N)'s room. He sat beside her bed and brushes her hair gently, her puffy eyes are visible since she was crying since earlier. "P-ple...p-please..." (Y/N) have her eyebrows furrowed and having a nightmare again, Dan Heng immediately grabbed her hands squeezing it gently. "I'm here..." He said on a hushed tone and a gentle voice to assure her.

After with an short reassurance by him holding her hand, her expression softens and her soft snores came back. An hour has passed and he still kept watching her alone, until... he slowly fell asleep holding her hand tightly with his head on top of their intertwined hand.


(Y/N)'s PoV:

I slowly felt that my eyes are opening... I kept staring at ceiling of my room in a daze thinking whether this is a dream or not. My eyes started to explore my surrounding I saw a familiar one holding my hand tightly... that's why my hand is feeling numb since earlier.

I went in panic seeing him so I immediately shaked him... Violently.. to see if he was real or is he still alive. "D-Dan... Heng?!" He is instantly on alert when he woke up. "Why? What's wrong?" I cupped his cheeks and grabbed his other hand to put it on my cheek too when I felt his comforting warmth my eyes becomes watery. "You... You're real?!" His face is red as I questioned him but then I realized what I just did so I instantly draw back my hand and pushed him.

"Are you alright now?" I nodded at his question hesitantly and he suddenly stand up. 'No... Don't leave...' I immediately stand up and hug him from behind to stop him at his tracks. "Don't leave me!" I hold him so tight as my tears bursted again. I can feel him gently removing my hands from his waist so I gripped him more tighter burying my face on his back. "I won't leave you... I was about to get those for you..." he pointed to my desk that have an tray of snack and a glass of water. "I don't want that right now."

I felt a gentle caress on the back on my hand while my arms are still tightly wrapped around him. I can feel my heart races as he gently run his fingertips against my hand, I slowly loosened my arms at him and went to my desk to get the tray. "Where's Caelus?" "Probably at his room. Do you want me to call him?"

I shaked my head wanting for a moment to be alone with him... Just him... The one who's currently by my side... The real and alive Dan Heng...

 The real and alive Dan Heng

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Author's Note:
So today uh... I got Welt again (Don't ask me what is eidolon pls)... OK I REPEAT 'AGAIN'?! in IL Dan Heng's banner, welp tbh Idk what should I say in myself I was crying and laughing at the same time saying "I already foreseen it, I'm always Welt guaranteed afterall, atleast I'm guaranteed Jingyuan, Acceptance is the key💅. Miss gurl is coping lmao. 😭😭😭

Anyways uh... I got a new idea earlier when I was doing the dishes and bro got me giggling and shits while I was holding the sponge 😩🤚 but I'm still thinking if I would include it in the story let me think.(Probably Dan Heng hates me🥲... like bro would probably come home at 1000 pity if I'm guaranteed fr😀)

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