72) Fault

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Suddenly a golden meteor lands right into our house burning and crushing what my parents last precious thing in this world. My eyes widened and tears run down to my cheeks, I screamed "STOP!!!" Mica cried from the sudden explosion and her parents panicked and they was about to get inside their house...

More meteor land out crushing their house and their parents, A familiar feeling... The cries of people as they was about to face death is really different from other cries. "STOP IT ALREADY!!!" As I said that word...

The child who I treated as a little sister like my little brother... Died right infront of my eyes the child's I failed to protect not only just their life but their sweetest smiles and laughter. They didn't deserve to be killed in that way.

"You won't listen to me (Y/N) so why would I listen to you." Another meteor landed in our planet as the odd glow of a meteor like it's an innocent shooting stars that I thought granted wishes it's the opposite when it comes from an Aeon who destructively killed anyone in this planet except me.

I started to ran away in hoping to find ny own sister. "SISTER?! SISTER!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?!" I stopped in my tracks when suddenly a meteor landed where my next foot was about to step in causing my balance to lose.

"I killed anyone in this planet... It seems that you don't have any sister that you won't leave. What do you say about my contract?" A voice from above is cold but it was as if he was celebrating turning this planet a chaos. My eyes widened as another meteor falls out and a sudden thing hitted my arms.

The keychain that I got from Mica... It was charred and but it's still on whole piece despite the impact of the meteor. I gritted my teeth as I tried to rose up from my feet, "You... You're cruel! I hate you! Just..! Just kill me already!"

I looked up to him and there was a cruel smirk on his face before he raised his right arm to send a big meteor to me. I feel my heart drop and close my eyes tight shut before an figure drags me out and hitted a body. "(Y/N)! Are you alright?!" I open my eyes and see my sister... "Sister... you're alive?" I weakly said and tears are forming in my eyes as I see and hold her figure.

As I look back the meteor was blocked by an giant... tall human? His body is full of an armor. "Let's get out of this first. Sam... I trust you with this." With that my sister drags me into an aircraft and after a minute the guy followed.

"We're fine... Let's move out." His voice is like an robotic but it seems that someone is controlling him. After that I don't remember anything as my vision blacked out.


I woke up in unfamiliar ceiling and a weird sound inside my room was heard. There was an girl chewing her gum as her focus is 100% on the device where the sound is coming from. "Who are you...?"

"You're awake, I'm Silverwolf. Kafka had to run some errands so I'm here to keep watch on you, why don't you play some games with me while you wait for your sister?" She said but her attention is completely on her device.

I sit up from the bed and looked around confused at the sudden new ambiance, "Have some gum too." She passed me a candy and I looked at it in haze it feels tiny in my palm that is where it hitted me... 'The whale keychain!' I saw it on top of the night table beside me and I instantly grabbed it as I cry.

The door swung open and I almost screamed seeing the robotic human again followed by an girl with a long silvery hair and brown blazer matching her headband. The girl have a gentle smile on her face while she was carrying a food tray, "How are you feeling (Y/N)? By the way my name is Firefly, nice to meet you."

I tightly hold the charred and burnt whale keychain, "Where's my sister?" "She is out for a mission I think she'll come back soon." The door swung open again and it revealed my sister carrying a shopping bags.

Years ago:

"Sister! You're late again and what happened to you arm?! What kind of job you're doing? I know everyday you will buy some treatment for wounds." She giggled at me and patted my head, "It's okay, my job is already good for me, we don't need to suffer from financial issues in fact we can buy clothes always and eat delicious foods."

I remember we have a storage room full of one time used clothes and bags after she buy it and not selected on her favorites. It really took a large amount of space in our house especially that one cabinet full of her only coats, I really see some happiness on her eyes and lips wherever we go to the mall sometimes which makes me happy too...

She is the only family I have and I can still consider myself lucky that I have a sister like her, who can give me comfort although its quite worrying what kind of job she's doing.


Those people inside the room left and now I'm alone with my sister who happily unpacking all of her shopping bags while I ate the food tray that Firefly gave... She suddenly stop which makes me confused and I saw her attention directly on the whale keychain beside me.

"It's... all my fault... It's my fault sister... she died because of m-me!" My hand was shaking as I hold the utensils while my tears is unstoppable that is rolling down on my cheek.

I sob more when I felt her arms around me embraces me... it feels home, where I can move freely and careless without worry and judgement. "Shhh... It's okay, it's okay, your sister is here. No one will hurt you anymore."

I'll do whatever it takes just not to be separated with my own sister. She's the only family I have, even you're an Aeon I'll make it impossible to get what you want!

Author's Note:I know Firefly is not really a Stellaron Hunter since the Trailblaze quest in Penacony is not done yet but I wanted her to be in my story since I love her very muchh🤧-Yoshi

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Author's Note:
I know Firefly is not really a Stellaron Hunter since the Trailblaze quest in Penacony is not done yet but I wanted her to be in my story since I love her very muchh🤧

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