53) Reunion

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(Y/N)'s PoV:

I was woken up by one of the General servant, I woked up in a luxurious bed, one of the guest room inside of the seat of divine foresight. "The General wish to leave immediately when you're already prepared." I started to prepare myself after the servant and get ready.

"Ah, you're here Astral Express friend." I nodded at him with a polite smile. "Uhm... (Y/N)... you can call me (Y/N), General." "Then (Y/N) you can just call me Jing Yuan." He held out an hand to shake hands with me which is I accepted.

"Where's Yanqing?" I looked around and look for him and Jing Yuan responded as he started to walk to the exit of the Seat of Divine foresight. "He's in a deep slumber in his room. Come on let's get going or we will be late."


We boarded Starskiff which I don't know where it is headed to, It's been a awkwardly quiet inside before Jing Yuan striked a conversation. "Thank you for looking out for Yanqing. That boy had it rough since the fugitive escaped the shackling prison." I was confused all by the things he said, 'shackling prison? escaped fugitive?' All I can do is nod.

"Some of the Cloud knights reported to me that he was having fun sparring with you and eventually fallen asleep while resting." He chuckled, "General is he your son?" I bluntly asked him which he suddenly coughed. "No... I took him in the cloud knights after seeing a potential in handling sword, his parents entrusted him to me and never showed up their faces again..."

"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have asked..." I looked down feeling guilty about asking and thinking that Yanqing have a hard time for not having his parents by his side as he grew up. "It's fine." Jing Yuan gave me an reassurance smile and I felt the Starskiff stopped. "We're here." He closes his eyes and didn't move after he stated it.

"We're here? Are we not getting off?" I looked curiously at Jing Yuan and he simply shakes his head. As I looked out the window my eyes widened seeing a familiar figure, "DAN HE-" I felt someone covered my mouth preventing me to speak clearly and let all my sounds be muffled. "Shhh! We're not supposed to make appearance... not right now."

I slowly nodded at him which he gave me a smile and removed his hand on my mouth. "Why is that?" I asked him before I turned to take a glance to Dan Heng... But there were 2 familiar figures too with him it's so... familiar...

"I will force this suffering on you Dan Heng, you will know the pain of death." My eyes widened more and wanting to get out of the Starskiff but Jing Yuan is holding my arms firmly. "Let me go! I don't know what they are talking but he's in danger!" I tried shaking off Jing Yuan's hands but he didn't budge.

"Not on my watch." Another familiar voice was heard and it was Yanqing, Jing Yuan sighed and muttered, "That boy..." My attention were at Jing Yuan when he sighed and the next thing I heard was a clashing of weapons.

Dan Heng blocked all that Man's attacks but he falled to the ground thankfully there was Yanqing who helped to defend him. "Let me go!" I tried shaking off Jing Yuan's hand at me and my heart drops when I suddenly heard Dan Heng's groaned, when I looked at him the one weapon is stabbed right through his heart.

I  almost burned the Starskiff we were boarding into ashes so Jing Yuan will let me go, I can feel a rushing a high amount of heatness through my veins which is caused by my emotions. I used my teleportation ability to Dan Heng who was holding his polearm to keep him in balance while there's a sword pierced with his body.

3rd Person PoV:

(Y/N) barely catched Dan Heng's body and she was in tears cupping his cheeks, "No! please... don't leave me!" "(Y/N)...?!" The man said in shocked and confused, The woman eyes widened seeing a familiar girl in her sight, "(Y/N)! It's dangerous here!" Yanqing exclaimed and go infront of them to block any of the Man's attack in case.

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