24) Peace

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Third Person PoV :

Serval was confused why Cocolia pushed her away and stare at her with dark eyes. "Serval Landau, doing a forbidden research about the Stellaron I hereby declare you to leave the architects." Serval was in complete shocked and her eyes slightly widened at the sudden accusations. "C-Cocolia.... W-what do you m-mean...?"

"Overthrowing the rules of the architects and using your knowledge about the Stellaron to bring harm in Belobog was your plan." Cocolia throws the paper research about the Stellaron and continue her words. "I'll be considerate for you... Leave your position or I'll sent you to jail for your actions." Serval gritted her teeth and standed up for herself. "No I won't, My conscience is pure I won't do something harm for Belobog! Cocolia... I'm your friend for so long... We're like sisters... You know I won't do something like that... Don't you trust me?"

Because of her persistence Cocolia sent Serval to jail and atleast she was imprisoned for 2 months. Gepard at first was in disbelief about her sister intention about 'harming' Belobog but she love his sister and finally convinced her to leave her position and just live a normal life.

She built her own workshop using some of her knowledge being a part of an architects for so long and she have more time to put on her music hobby, she played and played guitar and write more of her music. She of course missed how Cocolia and her was so close in the past without holding any secrets to each other... But why now? What have changed her? Is kicking her out would be the best? Her sudden change of attitude is just... Unexplainable.

For so long she drowned herself putting more spirit in her songs and making a living by her workshop. Gepard mostly visits her and always listen to her when she have new written song. Lynx also visit her when she need some exploring materials or she need to repair something and hang out with her for many weeks after being done on a expedition.

Pela is close to her too, she mostly chat with her when Gepard is busy with his duty. Lastly Bronya, Landau was one of the noble families acquainted with Rand family, Bronya often listen to her songs and have helped her to write some songs as she practice her poetry knowledge, Bronya was suffocated at how they trained her to become an elegant lady, she is mostly drowned with historical books and etiquettes to learn. Her only escape from that is hanging out with Serval.

The case on Serval was kept confidential so Serval, Cocolia and Gepard knew what really happened, Gepard was in between because of his Loyalty for Cocolia and Love for her sister. After what happened Cocolia and Serval didn't crossed paths and buried their memories deep in her heart to forget their past.

Serval let's go of what happened and didn't hold any grudge to her best friend to continue her own path without a heavy heart that she chose alone. This is how she obtained a peaceful life... Having no cages of rules to obey, because she can play and wrote her own music to express her own feelings and she is not lonely having people she cherished by her side.

 Having no cages of rules to obey, because she can play and wrote her own music to express her own feelings and she is not lonely having people she cherished by her side

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