69.5) Choice

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(Y/N)'s PoV:

Feeling a bit ticklish by my own hair I shoved my hair to the back, I don't even know why he placed my hair on this side. As I glance at Dan Heng he have a surprised and nervous look on his face.

"What's wrong?" I turned my head to him and he shaked his head, "N-Nothing..." "What happened to your..." Caelus asked curiously as he pointed to the right side of his collar bone directing where the spot is on mine. As I looked down on my own collar bone where Caelus is pointing my eyes widened seeing that the reddish mark he made is visible.

I instantly covered it with my hair and laughed nervously, "There was a mosquito earlier... Just a mosquito bite, hahaha..." "A big mosquito that was sitting here too." March said as she lightly hit the dinner table just to got our attention.

Dan Heng and I abruptly coughed as we were eating our own meal, "It's here?!" Caelus stood up from his seat and immediately summoned his bat while Welt stood up to calm him down... The adults like Himeko and Welt probably knows what's going on. 'This is... kind of... Embarassing...'

"It is sitting beside-" I got a spoonful of my own food and shoved it into March's mouth so she would stop talking. "Hahahaha Mr. Yang Cooking is the best right!"


After the dinner ended and same with washing the dishes which I usually do, I'm now currently at his room still watching him encoding some information in the Data Bank.

Data Bank > Aeons >
Xipe The Harmony

A plural Aeon from multiple harmonious worlds. The glorious Xipe of thousand faces is chanting songs of joy and happiness.
To battle the brutality of the laws of the universe, intelligent lifeforms must discard their cowardly selfishness and the differences between individuals, fusing into one singular melody - to have the strong help the weak, and to protect life with death.

There was an image of an humanoid woman with three heads, a two on bot of her sides and one at the front also her body is like composed of jigsaw puzzles. It seems that he was finished as he saves it's information and went to edit another one.

As I set my eyes on the other Aeon that he was about to edit my eyes widened and my heart drops. It's an another familiar feeling again like my memories about the Stellaron hunter, In the end my vision blacked out.


My eyes flutter to open and I'm still recollecting what happened as I stare in a familiar ceiling, I was in my room but why? I was on his room after we ate dinner. As I look around I saw Dan Heng on the floor sitting reading a book while March is beside me scrolling on her phone.

Since she was close to me she was the first to notice that I'm already awake. "(Y/N)! You're awake!" She exclaimed as she help me to get up, Dan Heng return the book he was reading on my bookshelf as he walk towards to us.

"I need something to say..." March's voice was serious as she pass me a glass of water. "Well... I've talk this to Dan Heng and everyone... we were thinking if you would like to tag along with me. You see there was a thing called Matrix of Prescience Ultima in Xianzhou and it was used to interrogate one of the Stellaron hunter. Do you want to remember your past so incidents like this won't happen again?"

I was hesistant since I know for sure that I don't have a good past knowing that I am a Stellaron Hunter in the past. I've gathered up my courage and nod at her in agreement.

3rd Person PoV:

Dan Heng left her room only to see Caelus who was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. "Are you sure about that? What if she left the Express after she remember everything?" Dan Heng froze in his feet for a second after he heard Caelus question.

"It's her choice."

"So do you mean you won't stop her?! How are you fine letting go the person you love?!"

"It's not fine! It's hard for me too... but... I don't want to see her suffer anymore."


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