80) Fantasized

412 19 1

I woke up early in the morning, it seems this is the effect if I don't spend all night playing with Silverwolf. As I walk I saw my sister getting ready for something... Another mission.

"Oh, you're awake sweetie. Are you here to see us off?" There's a sad look in my face because she's off for another mission again, what if it is dangerous. "Chin up, Bladie is with me so don't worry... Although it will take us some days."

"Where are you going?" I asked her and she looked at Blade who was wrapping his hand with a bandage. "The Xianzhou Yuque." Blade suddenly stands up and walked to us. "Let's go Kafka, I won't let that guy run away again."

They eventually left but what does Blade mean about that guy, I kinda have a bad feeling about this. Later on I came back inside my room and laid out lazily in bed, "I'm boreeedddddd!" Silverwolf is sleeping at this time as usual or she is still not sleeping. Firefly is sleeping and Sam is on the training room doing a yoga.

I suddenly think of cleaning my whole room it keeps me energized as I clean with my headphone on - vibing with the music, I get rid of useless things, arranging my wardrobe especially I wanted to treasure all the clothes we shopped last day. I also clean off my desk and I opened the drawer which where I stored one of the precious thing i have... The charred whale keychain.


I sighed in relief seeing my room suddenly sparkled after I clean it thoroughly. "Next up... I need to shower and rest..." I entered the shower and let the water runs to my body as my thoughts flew everywhere. "What does he mean by that guy... I've never seen that bottling up anger on his face before..." I mumbled.

After I showered I came back to my room. "Time to do dailies..." I stretched out myself to lay comfortably in bed as I wait for my game to load. "Shoot! My resin is capped, Well whatever it's going to be trash if I farmed artifacts." Silverwolf's message is the second thing I saw in the game....

Sillieee ('Silly' Nickname on GI)
"Yo check out my Kazuha"
"[Sends Scaramouche's 'bleh' emoji]"
"I just wish for shitz and giggles"
"Just pull"
"Don't hesitate"
"Do it!"

As I check it she got the freedom sworn, The signature weapon of Kazuha! I would've got it if I didn't prioritize his c2... 'This girl is tempting me... but I must stay strong for Alercchino.'

I left our chat message with a reply of Navia Bombastic side-eye emoji. Unexpectedly she replies in an instant with an Fischl laughing emoji.

"Did you know Blade have an account here?"

I stared at her messge for straight 10 seconds processing what she said.


"He have it but he didn't played that much because of his hand. He said he'd play with us if his hand gets better."

Right... his other hand is bandaged... I don't know but his left hand is so injured, since he uses his right hand to wield sword. Thankfully his right hand have a gloves preventing any calluses and bruises at how he grip his sword.

"I'm off to playother games, remember try to gamble for Kazuha weap. Cya"
"[Sends Beidou 'bye' emoji]"

I sighed and do my dailies... after that I can't seem to remember what happened, All I know when I woke up - I stretched and feel something burning hot... My phone. If I would calculate the time I fall asleep for 3 hours. I got up to eat dinner and suddenly I got a message from my Sister.

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