68) Girlfriend

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Today is the day where we got off board at the 'Herta Space Station', this is my first time coming here! According from them this was the place where Caelus is found... The Stellaron inside the Herta Space Station was inserted in his body.

Himeko and Welt are left on the Express while Caelus and March parted ways with me and Dan Heng since they're gonna meet some old friends and we're headed straight at Miss Herta's office.

As we walk inside the station I can't help but notice some researchers set their eyes on us and mostly of them are girls, I don't know why though maybe I look weird? "Ignore them." Dan Heng said as he keep his eyes forward and grab my wrist.

We were accompanied by a pink haired girl named Asta to Miss Herta's office but some problem have occured and needed to retrieve the information in Stimulated Universe, I can feel Dan Heng is mentally face palming as Miss Herta tasked him to retrieve them.

"Will you be fine alone?" He asked worriedly and I nodded at him with an smile of reaasurance. "You can contact March and Caelus so they can accompany you." "Excuse me... but those two went to meet someone, Miss Ruan Mei but I can accompany her and a little tour since I don't have much in my plate right now... If you want."

I turned my head to the Asta with a beam and instant nod, "Really?" Asta giggled and I turned my head to Dan Heng. "Be safe and wait for me, okay?" I nodded at him before he turned his head to Asta. "Sorry for the bother and Thank you."


As we reached the base zone those researchers who was eyeing us the first we came here approached me. "Hey it is you right!? The one who came with Dan Heng?" I got scared and almost jumped out because of their sudden excitement on their tone but before I can respond she already passed me her phone and give me no time to speak. "Can you put his number? Please? pretty pretty please? I'll treat you whatever you want in the station."

Her voice draw out the other researchers attention but thankfully Asta is with me right now. "Go back to your work everyone it's rude to treat our guests like that." But it's not enough to make them stop. "Miss Asta it's just a number we will stop when we get it."

I return the phone and shaked my head at the one researcher, "Sorry but I can't give it without his permission." The researcher didn't budge as they persistently requesting his number and suddenly...

Asta spoke as she pointed to me. "She is his Girlfriend. There's no way she would give her Boyfriend's number to other girls."

"Huh?" I look at her confused and the researchers suddenly went silent.

"Huh? Am I wrong?" Asta reciprocated the confused look I gave her earlier.

"I-it's n-not that y-you're wrong... W-well..." I fidgeted my fingers shyly as my face is slowly turning red from the attention.

One of the researchers laughed sarcasticallt before she spoke. "Her? Doesn't seem like it's true." The researchers eyes scanned me from head to toe with an unpleasant look. "She's not that pretty for him." said by an other researcher.

"I'm more prettier than you so you'll be replaced soon!" The researcher made it like she's mocking me so the others laugh with her and I'm shocked at the sudden slander and had my head down. "Quit it you all!" Asta is getting mad and was about to drag me out of them as she grab my wrist but the other researchers grab my wrist too. "Hold on miss. You haven't gave me his number yet. Why? Are you hurt at just what I said? I'll take it back if you gave me his number."

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