27) Partners

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In the middle of the mission... A little conflict just occurred in the team. As Dan Heng suggestions about splitting up, one team taking the left side and one team taking the right side would make the team faster but...

"Alright! (Y/N) and me will take the right side." Caelus grabbed my arm gently pulling me to him. Dan Heng glared at him before he grabbed me gently too pulling me into his arms. "Me and her will take the left side. I can protect her more."

I looked at them nervously and feel the tension between me before I sighed and shake off their hands on me. "Me, March, and Seele will go to the left side. Let's regroup here again when we're finished, okay?" The two men was stunned and just nod. March and Seele stifled their laughter before March added "Slayyyyy!" Dan Heng sighed as he dragged Caelus by his coat and headed to the right side of the abandoned frozen town of Belobog.

It takes us a while before we find the mechanism, just as I was about to reach the mechanism and solve it, a sudden roar of big monster behind us suddenly appeared. Surprisingly it can block my attacks and even reflect it to us sending back the hot wave of fire in our direction, thankfully to March 7th's shield we didn't got hurt. All this monster need is direct attack with a weapon.

"I'll take this down so continue and repair that!" Seele went to attack the monster and March is helping her with a shield incase the monster suddenly prepared an sudden attack. Right after I solved it at the same time the monster was down too. We all breathed in relief after hearing a satisfying click and see the energy flowed in the system. "Let's go, we can't keep them waiting."


At the same time on Dan Heng and Caelus side:

They're both quiet as they walk into the corridor of frost around, trying to find the mechanism but before any of that they come across in many fragmentum monster. "Ganging up on us huh?" Caelus summoned his bat and prepare to fight alongside Dan Heng. "Let's make this quick." Dan Heng added calmly and narrowed his eye on every monster as he summoned his cloud piercer.

Many wave of Fragmentum creatures appeared that really holded up their time but it was easy for them, they're just so many that it consumed more time than they expected. Solving the mechanism was too easy for Dan Heng and didn't last any minute on solving after the click was heard and the energy system was on.


We arrived at the center where the gate is and waited for Caelus and Dan Heng to arrive. "They're taking so long." March put her hands on her hips as she added with a bored voice. Meanwhile I looked closely at the gate and noticed that the energy on both sides is flowing well so they might on their way to regroup with us. "They're here." Seele suddenly speak and I look at the direction she was looking at.

We've been encountered so many gates in our way, just how secured is this place? where this would lead us next? When we will reach this so called 'Stellaron'?

We've been encountered so many gates in our way, just how secured is this place? where this would lead us next? When we will reach this so called 'Stellaron'?

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