85) Praise

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A little secret from my sister and Blade was dug out after Silverwolf just asked a questioned about my sword. I pretended to be asleep, I can't help but feel giddy inside my self, 'I see... That's why he asked me about the colors of it... He's really so cute in his own way.' I want to giggle about my thoughts but I kept quiet.

'No! Stop falling for him! He doesn't like you!' Another thoughts joined in my head making me clench on my bedsheet tighter. 'BUT...! The ice is too cold on my feet! Someone remove it please!"

I tried to sit up on my bed and my sister immediately supported me, "How are you feeling (Y/N)?" My legs are kinda due to how cold I am feeling with my foot but I nodded at her with a smile. "I'm still good but It's kinda cold and I'm..." before I can finish my sentence my stomach growl indicating that it needed it's fuel.

Silverwolf chuckled a little amused even though she's playing a game... I don't know if she chuckled because of the game or because of me. "Stay here." My sister patted my head as she stands up. After she left my room Silverwolf suddenly acts suspicious as she tiptoe to look at my door again before she ran back to me.

I instantly blushed after she showed me one picture, "What-?! WHAT THE HELL?! Delete that!" Silverwolf look at me mischievously and she cover her mouth as she snickered, Firefly peeked at her phone and gasped.

"You're quite wild (Y/N)~" Silverwolf teased me after she just showed me a screenshot where I stumbled with Blade earlier in such... position. "I'm injured! Instead of helping me you just record us." I crossed my arms and turn away from her sulking.


3 days has passed and my foot is completely better now although I'm still quite scared since it pains me a lot these passed few day but this won't stop my eagerness to learn especially now that this got my interest... My sword was picked by him...

I almost fainted seeing a man half naked seen by my whole two eyes. Sam is training with Blade who is top naked with only a towel that is placed on his shoulder, "Goodmorning (Y/N)." Sam greeted me but my eyes were fixed on Blade's built body. 'I feel that I will faint if I stare more at his body but I can't take off my eyes on him!'

A sudden tissue that is forefully stick into my nose that completely break out my thoughts, "Your nose is bleeding." Sam carefully but recklessly plug tissue on my nose... its just his hand armor is too big for me so it hit my nose causing a wince of pain from me.

"Really?!" I take out the tissue on my nose and see that it's real so I quickly put it back. "Sit down, lean forward and pinch your nose." Sam's robotic voice instructed me which I obliged because I was kind of panicking inside.

'My nose just bleed by staring at him...'


After a while the bleeding stops and Blade wear a shirt now, I'm ready to start the day to practice and learn. "You're too slow." Blade scoffed after he just tutored how to slash my sword consecutively with speed while I clash my own sword against his to continue practicing and to get the right pace.

"I'm catching up my pace, I can do it!" I tried again and again not until he suddenly countered my attack, since I was caught off guard it slipped off my hand. "You're not even gripping it right." He picked up my sword and walked away it as he headed to one of the wood statue in our training room.

I followed him and he gave my sword but as I felt his big bare hand wrapping around my hand, guiding at how should I hold my sword properly. My heart skipped a beat at the sudden sensation and I froze at my spot. "Tighten your grip." The ambiance around me suddenly feels hot, his breath just touches my ear as he instructed me on a stern voice.

As I did what he told me to he slowly freed my hand which make me breathe in relief but slightly disappointed. "Make a deep cut here like this." In a swift motion he used his sword to instruct me which made my jaw drop as he almost cut it in half plus it's visible that he holded back his all power.

I breathed heavily trying to gather all of my power to hit the wood but instead it just make a scratch mark comparing to Blade's hit if I'll estimate it, it is 1/4 of how deep it is, which... makes me very happy since it still have an impact to the wood. "Yayyy! See that?!" I celebrated with a smile and looked at him with a delighted face.

As I faced him he have an unamused face while his arms crossed. "What are you celebrating for? You didn't even do what I've tell you. Your hits are weak." My smile faded at his harsh words and of course I need to stand strongly for my own pride. "What's with the criticism! I'm still learning but I put a lot of effort with this!"

With that I left him in the training room with heavy boiling feeling dragging my heart. "I know that It's not even the half of his but can't he just praise me a little?! It's not like I'll get those right in one attempt!" I was stomping my feet all the way to the kitchen while carrying my sword to drink some water.

"My my~ who is making you angry early in the morning, dear?" It seems my sister is about to head the training room as she is changed into her training outfit and carrying her sword. I shaked my head and try to crack a smile for my sister. "It's nothing..."

3rd Person PoV:

After (Y/N) left Blade sat down to drink some water and after a while Kafka entered the training room. "Goodmorning Bladie~ It seems like you're the reason why my little sister is mad." Kafka giggled as she sat down beside Blade.

"I didn't do anything." Blade scoffed at her words before he continued to drink his own water. "Why do I even have to teach her." He continued after he finished water with annoyance.

"It's not like Elio or I used my ability and dictated you to train her... You're the one who gave up after being persuaded by her cute charms." Kafka giggled and Blade shot an annoyed glare towards her.

"Just a little cutesy 'Please~' from her, your heart immediately melts and soften towards her-" Kafka's words were interrupted as Blade stood up from his seat. "It's not like that." He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth... Sure does Kafka hit a nail on that part.

"Acknowledge her a little even the smallest comparing to a baby step, I'm sure she'll be delighted to learn from you more." Kafka said with a smile and Blade didn't respond as he continues to walk towards the exit.

Author's Note:Words are not enough to describe how my heart is on cloud nine when I saw Dan Heng on the 2

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Author's Note:
Words are not enough to describe how my heart is on cloud nine when I saw Dan Heng on the 2.2 trailer Ughhhh He's so handsome😖😖😖! Hyv be spoiling me on Dan Heng contents😩 (Aventurine who?). Y'all I swear I'm a Dan Heng main😭✋

 Y'all I swear I'm a Dan Heng main😭✋

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