64) Sunset

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(Y/N)'s PoV:

March's voice is so loud making me jumped, as I take a glance at Dan Heng he is a blushing mess but I was too curious what was that scream for so I looked out which I caught Welt, Himeko, Pom-pom and March rushing to the Parlor Car.


Currently I'm at March's room staying in for tonight in case that I'll have nightmares again, we just finished eating our dinner and today is getting better except seeing Caelus a bit... sad and his eyes are puffy like mine. His voice is cheery but somehow deep down he's sad, he's amazing to still have a smile even though he's having problems.

"Sooooo (Y/N) do you not have something to tell me?" March laid down beside me with a cheeky smile, I laid sidewards facing her with me having a perplexed look towards her. "Playing dumb are we?" her smile drops as she sighed and continue, "I was hoping for an hot tea though..." "What are you talking about?" I'm still confused at her literally not picking up her signals.

"I heard from someone that... that nice lips of yours met someone again~" I instantly blushed understanding her words. "I-I don't know what y-you are t-talking about!" I retorted. "Why are you blushing? Hehe so it's really true... so did he kissed you again or you're the one who kissed him?" I hide under her blanket to so she'll stop bothering me but of course no one is gonna stop her. "Tell me! Tell meee! TELL MEEE!!!"

She removed the blanket on me and I still hide my face as I buried on one of her pillows, suddenly she sighs maybe she's giving up on bugging me. "Fine! I give up! I'll just ask Dan Heng!" She instantly picked her phone which makes me rushed to her to steal her phone from her hands. "Wait! I-I I'll tell you! Just don't..." She dodge me so easily and her face have suddenly a mischievous smile after I plead to her. "No, it's okay if you don't want to tell, I can ask him."

"I kissed him! I k-kissed... D-Dan Heng..." She suddenly gasped and losed her grasped on her phone but thankfully it landed on her bed. "For real?! You're the one who initiate the k-kis... Oh my!" I nodded rapidly at her with my whole face is beet red. "You've both kissed in Xianzhou... and now this... Are you two finally dating?! Who confessed first?! You?! Dan Heng?! When?!" March is excited again from the news she heard coming from me and asking me a bunch of questions like before.

"We're not together... We're not dating..." I fiddled my fingers anxiously, "Why? Are you scared of confessing?" her voice suddenly went serious probably on seeing my rising anxiety, I nodded my head as an answer. "It's hard but think about it... Just tell him what your heart contents." She pointed to my left chest and gave me a wink. 'What my heart contents...' I thought as my brain is translating what my heart is saying. A notification from my phone suddenly interrupt my thoughts.



Are you sleeping? But I bet March won't let you sleep like that so easily.

What's up? Anyway... Are you okay? You seem a bit sad earlier...

I'm fine don't worry about me.
Actually I remember I got a picture of you while we're out in Xianzhou, I forgot to send it to you.
[Sent (Y/N)'s picture with a peace sign in Xianzhou with many Starskiff flying in the sunset.]

Woah it's so good, you didn't informed me that you have a photography skills.

The sunset is beautiful isn't it?

It is! Thank you for this, it's really a good picture.

Goodnight (Y/N) sweet dreams...

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