42) Coffee

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The first day went smoothly by Pom-pom's guidance from breakfast to dinner, after I wash the plates I need to wipe it by clean cloth to store it properly. The second day Pom-pom didn't guide me anymore but I'm already good at washing the dishes.

Another day another new exploration to learn so currently we're at Himeko's room with March... It's girls day! March was snapping some 'aesthetic coffee' sighting at Himeko's room. The good thing here is when my first foot stepped inside her room the rich aroma of coffee instantly filled my nostrils.

Himeko brewed a coffee and let me taste it, I almost choked when my tongue recognized a bitter taste of the coffee. I put down the coffee at the table and my face is written with disgust, "I think... Coffee is not for me." March instantly snapped a picture of me with that expression and my face turned red in embarrassment. "Hey! Delete that!" "I don't want toooo!" March stick out her tongue at me and Himeko giggled.

"Well that expression is kinda normal... black coffee is a proper coffee after all." She sighed as she looked at the coffee cup she made for me, "Seems like only Dan Heng has a kind word of my coffee..." Himeko's coffee counter have a various coffee ingredients so I decided to make my own cup without knowledge.

Seems like making coffee and hot chocolate was easy than I thought since I learned very fast from Himeko. "You're surprisingly good at making this (Y/N)!" March finished the sweet coffee I made for her, "What do you mean 'surprisingly'..." I muttered with a frown.


It's already evening and currently I'm at the kitchen washing some dishes right now but something piqued my curiosity. "What is this book?" I reached a book on the top of the refrigerator and it was a recipe book. After I finished washing the dishes I read the book but, "just by looking it is already difficult." Caelus suddenly entered the kitchen to grab some water on the refrigerator.

"What are you reading?" Caelus walk up to me while he drink a glass of water, "A recipe book, cooking sounds so difficult." I sighed flipping more pages to find an easy recipe, when I looked at Caelus he have a grin and take the book from my hand. "I can be your teacher." He winked at me.

"Oh right! I learned from Himeko how to make a coffee, do you want one?" From a brief moment there was hesitation from his face but he wiped it off with a smile and excited nod. I walked over to the coffee counter and prepare a cup.

When I was about to press the 'on' button I feel a presence behind me and see a shadow towering over mine. Caelus put his hand on the counter between me not letting any opening for me to escape, I can feel his breath near my ear when he whispered. "Will you take the responsibility If I can't sleep when I drink your coffee?"

I flinched by his actions... I was caught off guard, I didn't move or anything while I try to process what he just said... His tone is so seductive... He turned me around as he hold both side of my shoulder and give a bright smile. "Just kidding hahahahaha." He pinched my cheek playfully while he laughs at me because I easily get flustered at his actions.

I prepared the coffee to him and I was nervous when he gulped the coffee I made. My nervousness was washed away when he put down the cup with a smile. "This is surprisingly good (Y/N)." He proceed to finish the whole cup while I muttered. "What do you mean 'surprisingly'... Deja vu..."


Caelus is now staring at his ceiling unable to sleep after drinking the coffee (Y/N) made for him and he mumbled... "I shouldn't have finished the whole cup she prepared."


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