Crime Scene: Part 2

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Back to the Race

Frankie sees another runner down. He calls it in.

Frankie: This is officer Frank Rizzoli. I'm gonna need an EMT at Mile 12.

Frost: Got you, Frankie.

Frankie: I got a runner down. White male, approximately mid-20s, no pulse, no sign of injury.

Korsak: (to Frost) Go to channel 14.

He does.

Frost: We need to talk to Jane.

Garvey: Hey, Rizzoli?

Jane: Yeah?

Garvey: Get over here. They need you on the computer.

Frost: (to Jane) Frankie's calling from the ground.

Jane: Please tell me he's okay.

Korsak: He's fine.

Frost: But another runner just went down at Mile 12.

They bring him in and both Jane and Olivia see it's Erik Massay. Frost breaks into the courthouse database to access the file. He looks at the pictures of Annie.

Jane: You know a part of me wants to let this shooter finish off Chris. Frost, check to see if Jenny is registered in the race?

Frost: She is.

Jane: She's running in memory of her sister. Annie killed herself a few years after the lawsuit was dropped. We've got to find her. Lindsay, come on. We're gonna try to catch them.

They leave to go run in the race. They stay on the video feed and talk with Jane and Lindsay.

Frost: I'm looking at a security camera at mile 20, mile 21.

Korsak: Maybe he's making good time.

Frost: He could be all the way to mile 25.5. Where are you Chris? (to Jane&Lindsay) Got him! Jane, Lindsay he's at mile 25.

Jane: We're about two minutes out.

Captain Cavanaugh: Come on, Rizzoli.

Jill,Cindy, & Maura: (from tent) Come on, Jane.

Lt. Korsak: Come on.

They run around the corner to Mile 25.

Jane: Alright, Frost we're there. Talk me in.

Frost: Middle of the street-Maroon running outfit. Can you see him.

Jane runs ahead and looks at everyone.

Lindsay: Not yet. Wait. Yeah, yeah. Jane?

Frost: Can you get to him?

Lindsay: Yeah. Yeah. Jane, there. About 20 yards ahead.

Korsak: Is he running alone?

Lindsay: Yeah, yeah. I think so.

Jenny runs up to Chris.

Cavanaugh: Not anymore. That's the shooter, right. The girl?

Korsak: Yeah. Let's hope they can get there. Come on, Rizzoli!

Jane continues to run. She spots them.

Jane: Lindsay, there.

Lindsay: You're faster than me! Get up there!

Jane runs faster.

Maura, Jill & Cindy: Come on, Jane!

Jenny: Hi, Chris. You're making good time. I almost didn't find you.

Chris: Do I know you?

Jenny: No, but my sister did. Annie Bissett.

Chris: I don't know what you're talking about.

Jenny: Of, course you do. She was a freshman, you were a senior. You remember homecoming, where you raped her along with your two other running buddy's.

The gun comes out of her fanny pack and he runs ahead.

Jane sees them.

Jane: There!

Her and Lindsay run faster.

Cavanaugh: Come on, Rizzoli.

Chris: You're crazy.

Jenny: That's what you called my sister, when they let you walk away. She didn't get to walk away.

Chris: I don't know what you're talking about.

They stop and Jenny pulls out the gun. Jane runs up and grabs her.

Jane: No! Jenny, don't do it!

She knocks it out of her hand and Lindsay picks it up. Everyone releases a breath.

Jenny: Please! One more! Just, one more!

Lindsay: Alright!

Jenny: Please! Just let my sister rest in peace!

Lindsay handcuffs her.

Jane: Murder never brings any peace. To the living or the dead.

Lindsay: Go ahead. I got it.

Chris: What happened? She killed Billy and Erik?

Jane: They did not survive their injuries.

Chris: Burn in hell with your sister you crazy bitch!

Jane: Calm down!

They take Jenny away.

Lindsay: Sis?

She throws her a pair of handcuffs.

Jane: Chris Begley, you are under arrest for the rape of Annie Bisset.

Chris: I guess you know who I am?

Jane: Yeah, I know who you are and I know what you did. You gang raped a 15 year old girl and bought off everybody because your dad was a politician. I worked the case. It's only been 6 years. Statute still stands.

She handcuffs him and another security officer takes him.

Security: (to BPD) We got the situation secured. Thanks guys.

Cavanaugh: I'm glad that's over.

Korsak: Me too.

Cavanaugh: You're one lucky son of a bitch. You could've told me that Rizzoli could run her ass off.

Korsak: I don't know. I was kind of looking forward to counting pencils with you. This is kind of stressful.

Cavanaugh: Man, what a day. You did good.

Korsak; You too. Still got your balls.

Cavanaugh: You mean even though I'm Brass.

Korsak: Yeah. Even though you joined the dark side. Thanks, Sean.

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