Chapter 43

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That Morning

Jane walks into the morgue. Maura's doing the autopsy.

Jane: Find anything?

Maura: Cause of death-Massive Cerebral Hemorrhage, caused by an ice pick penetrating the brain.

Jane: Yeah, I figured the ice pick had something to do with it. I meant, find anything that helps us know who he is. Did you run his dental records?

Maura: Yes, no match. But you can't hide your DNA. I'm waiting for the results.

Jane: Well, he was clever. I'll give him that. We found over $200000 in charges and ATM Withdrawals and we're only halfway through his stolen identities.

Maura: It's a shame that they penetrated his temporal lobe. That would've been an excellent brain to study.

Jane: Yeah, bummer. You know what doesn't make sense to me? Why would a big time identity thief drive around in a crappy car?

Maura: Economy car.

The morgue phone rings.

Jane: Why cause he didn't want to flash his cash? What's...

Maura: This is Dr.Isles....What? That's not possible. I... 'Cause I-I'm looking at it right now.

Jane: What's the matter, baby?

Maura: They're saying there's a problem with the DNA samples of our John Doe- Yes, No, I-I see it, but it's not possible. I don't cross-contaminate my samples.

Jane: Maura, come on, you're not perfect. Send another sample.

Maura: Okay, I'll-I'll call you back. (She hangs up the phone) It's not possible. (She looks at the DNA results on her computer.)

Jane: Maura, baby, everybody makes mistakes, okay? Just send it again.

Maura: No, it's not a mistake.

She shows the DNA profiles.

Maura: The one on the left is the victims' DNA profile. The one on the right is my DNA profile. You see the Autosomal Markers? They're the same in both samples.

Jane: Yeah, well, the lab keeps all of our genetic profiles just in case we contaminate a sample. So, obviously, it's been contaminated.

Maura: No, there's enough markers in the comparison of the DNA to-to make a definitive conclusion.

She sighs.

Jane: So what are we concluding?

Maura: Just look.

She puts then profiles together.

Jane: They match. And how did that happen? Baby...You must've done something screwy.

Maura: No, I didn't. It's a biological match.

Jane: Baby, what are are you telling me? That the guy on the table here is somehow related to you?

Maura: I'm telling you that the man laying there is my brother.

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