Chapter 16

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(Door opens)

Frost: Checked with the bartender.
Skip was at the bar the whole time.

Lindsay: (Sighs) That's too bad. He was looking really good as a suspect.

Frost: Yeah. I got us two new suspects.
BPD responded to a disturbance call two weeks ago at Sapphire Dance Studio.

Lindsay: For what?

Frost: Crazy dance moms Yvonne and Kim. Both of them have daughters who compete against Dakota -- Summer and Mackenzie.

Lindsay: And Dakota beats little Summer and Mackenzie, doesn't she?

Frost: Every time. Here's the vandalism report. Uniforms broke up a fight between the two mothers after one of them damaged the others car.

Lindsay: Yeah. Denise's minivan was keyed.

Frost: Yeah, all because Dakota has a better, uh -- what do you call this one?

Lindsay: A plié.


Frost: Yeah.


Lindsay: What? Jane and I both took dance classes.

Frost: Really?

Lindsay: Yeah. Really.

She steps back to where no one can see her and spins like a ballerina.

Frost:(Chuckling ) Okay. Ooh. I don't know. I just -- I don't get this world.

Lindsay: I mean, it's just a beauty pageant with rhythm.

Frost: No. No, it isn't.

Lindsay: Come on. Dancers are athletes in costumes, you know, like-Like ice skaters.

Frost: Skaters are not athletes.

Lindsay: Really? And golfers are?

Frost: Mm. Yeah.

Lindsay: Bowlers?

Frost: Yeah.

Lindsay: NASCAR drivers?

Frost: Yeah.

Lindsay: And a girl with six-pack abs who can do a side leap higher than Kobe can jump is not an athlete?

Frost: No.

Lindsay: Okay. Okay.

Frost: (Keys clacking) Oh, man. Pay dirt. Yvonne and Kim were the only mothers from Sapphire Dance who were not in the audience video. Look what I just found. It was posted by another dance mom. That's our victim, Denise, with Yvonne and Kim.


Yvonne: I said I need to talk to you, you [Bleep] Bitch.

Kim: Mackenzie and Summer could beat Dakota if they cheated like you do.

Denise: You're gonna make my daughter cry. Please stop.

Kim: You know how many times Dakota has made Summer cry?

Denise: Yeah, because Dakota beats her?! Maybe you should teach her how to lose!

Kim: You [Bleep] Bitch! - You know what, you bitch?! My daughter is gonna beat your daughter in nationals!

Lindsay: Ouch! God! Let's go get these two before they kill somebody else.

At the Dance Studio

(Mid-tempo piano music plays)

Coach Jj: Nice. Pull up. Pull up. What's with the arm? Come on. Let's see some arms. Mackenzie, what's with this leg? Pull up. Pull up! This is not summer camp.

A girl comes in late.

Coach JJ: (Sighs) Hey! You're late! And how many times have I said, "no booty shorts"?! Get out of my studio until you've changed. Go.

Yvonne: I am so sorry, coach. It won't happen again. I promise.

Coach JJ: Booty shorts are the gateway outfit. You got to be firm with them, or they go all Britney Spears on you.

Frost: Uh, what about the security guard?

Coach JJ: Got to be firm with the mothers, too. Any word on Denise?

Lindsay: We have a few more questions for you.

Coach JJ: Oh. Okay. Just let me get my dancers warmed up. Start stretching the legs, or I'll break them! Okay.

Frost: Uh, y-you didn't mention that some of the dance moms hated Denise Ryan.

Coach JJ: If you were gonna investigate every dance mom at my studio that got into a screaming match, you'd be here 24/7.

Lindsay: You're open 24 hours?

Coach JJ: Almost. We go seven days a week. If you want to be a champion, you put in the time.

Frost: Tell us about Yvonne and Kim.

Coach JJ: You said it. They hated Denise.

Lindsay: Why? Because they were jealous of Dakota winning everything?

Coach JJ: Sure. But I tell you what. If they were gonna kill anybody to stop Dakota, they'd have to kill me. That girl's a hard worker, and she doesn't give me any trouble, not like some of these other ones. Hey! Excuse me.
You two just lost your duet high-golds.
I want those trophies tomorrow.
Now, warm up! Move!

Girl: Oh, Dakota's here.

Lindsay: How's she holding up?

Skip: She wanted to dance.

Lindsay: Well, that's good. You know, keep her in her routine.

Skip: I'm putting work on hold. I'm not letting her out of my sight. You don't think someone here did it, do you?

Frost: We're looking at everybody.

Lindsay: I think we should bring those two in for a little chat.

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