Chapter 67: Six Weeks Later

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The Day of Paddy Doyle's Trial

A little different than the show. Hope shows up to testify against Paddy and finds out Maura is her daughter. Jane had found Maura's "grave" and dug in it and found a blue ledger with all the names of bad cops in it.

Paddy is on trial for killing Cavanaugh's wife and baby son on March 22, 1993.

Maura and Jane wake up at 6am. Maura feels sick and runs to the bathroom. Just in case, they go get a pregnancy test. They go back home and Maura takes it. Its positive she's pregnant. The trial starts at 9:00, so they get ready and go to BPD. Everyone from SVU are gonna be there.


Jane walks into the bullpen and to her desk.

Korsak: Did you hear about Cal?

He walks over to them with a charity bucket for Cals wife.

Frost: Cal Ghetts died? How's miss Ghetts doing? Nice lady. I always see her in church.

Jane: How'd he die?

Korsak: He was mugged last night in Atlantic City.

Jane: Didn't he just retire?

Korsak: A month ago. Thirty years on the arson unit and he gets shot on vacation.

Frost: Nervous about testifying? I've only done it once.

Jane: All Cavanaugh and I have to do is establish chain of custody to get Paddy's ledger admitted into evidence.

Korsak: I'll be glad when you get rid of that copy of his damn book.

Frost: Can I see it?

Jane: No. And you don't want to.

Frost: Yes, I do. Wait, you guys didn't read it?

Korsak: I'm from Southie, Frost. For all I know, I got cousins in that book.

Jane: (looks at Frosts desk) I see you downloaded a copy of the federal indictment.

Frost: It's interesting. You ever tried a RICO case before?

Jane: No.

Frost: Me either. Look at all these counts loan-sharking, bookmaking, trafficking in narcotics oh, and 15 counts of murder. How did the feds establish that Paddy ordered the hits?

Jane: RICO case is all about proving that Paddy was the head of a crime syndicate, and he didn't have to pull the trigger himself.

Korsak: With Donovan's testimony, the government can prove Paddy was behind 15 murders.

Frost: So, why's the book so important?

Korsak: It corroborates his story. This
is the only guy still alive that can tie Paddy to all those murders.

Cavanaugh: Rizzoli, gonna need you in Vince's office. A.U.S.A.'s here.

Frost: Good luck.

AUSA: So, after we get through establishing your credentials, I will hold up the book, walk you through my questions.

Jane: And once the book is admitted, Jackie Donovan becomes key.

AUSA: Yes.

Cavanaugh: I don't envy you guys. Jackie's wife, Roberta, is a handful.

AUSA: God. No kidding. We've been moving them every 24 hours for a year because of her.

Jane: You knew her?

Cavanaugh: Yeah. I grew up in Southie.

AUSA: That's right. Paddy was your C.I.

Jane: Paddy Doyle was your informant? Wow.

AUSA: Yeah, we asked the Lieutenant to keep that quiet until we knew we didn't need him for our RICO case.

Cavanaugh: It's gonna sound strange, but when I was growing up, we all looked up to Paddy Doyle. When the Colombians started moving cocaine through Southie, he reached out to me. He wanted the drugs out of the neighborhood, same as me.

Jane: You're not getting sentimental on me, are you, Chief?

Cavanaugh: He did one good thing. He's still a bad guy. I can't wait for this to be over.

AUSA: Yeah, me, too. I've been practicing this opening argument for 20 years. Wish me luck.

Jane: You're not gonna need luck. We'll get him.


Korsak: That stuff is so bad for you. We got the non-fat creamer in the break room.

Jane: I need something with fat in it today. Did you know that Paddy was Cavanaugh's C. I.?

Korsak: Yeah. In '93, we worked the D.C.U. together. I was doing the New York crack boys. He was working the Colombians.

Jane: What? What is it?

Korsak: Oh, nothing, I-Every time I think about working drugs with him, I think about Linda and his son.

Jane: Doesn't he have a daughter, too?

Korsak: They're not close. He wasn't married to the mother. (He hands her a photo) That's Linda and Christopher. They died in a fire. Defective gas valve filled the cellar with gas, ignited when Linda turned on the heat. Cavanaugh was working overtime when we got the news. I thought we'd never get him back from the bottom of a shot glass.

Jane: That had to be hard to watch a tough guy like Cavanaugh go through something like that.

Korsak: I don't ever want to see anything like it again.

Jane's phone vibrates.

Korsak: Are you heading to court?

Jane: Uh, no, it's Maura. I'm gonna go check on her.

Korsak: She sick?

Jane: Sick of being in the news.

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