Chapter 35

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That Same Night

[Music playing and people dancing in the Night Club.]

Music: I came here to get my groove on. Party hard till the day...

(Music continues in distance)

A woman walks out of the bar. She's breathing heavily. She stumbles down the steps and to her car. She gets to her car and unlocks it, then falls to the ground. Someone starts walking toward her.


The Next Morning At the Yoga Studio

Jane and Maura are in a yoga position.

Instructor: And heels down.

Jane: This hurts.

Maura: Pain is only in the mind.

Instructor: Right leg up and flip your dog.... Back to downward dog.

Jane's cellphone rings.

Everybody: Shh.

Jane: Oh, alright. She answers it. Rizzoli..Okay.

Brock comes over.

Brock: Mindful Awareness is what can subdue the Primitive Consciousness and bring the Physical Body under control of the will.

Jane: I totally agree. (she hangs up) I have to go. (she stands up) Maura, baby, let's go.

They leave and go to the crime scene.

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