Chapter 19

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Tommy: I'm not going away for killing a cop. I had nothing to do with it.

Cavanaugh: Bullshit, kid. We got your prints on the gun, and we got your buddy in there telling us the whole story.

Jane: What did Matthew say?

Korsak: Nothing. Cavanaugh's got to try to play them one off against the other.

Cavanaugh: How do you explain having your prints on a cop's gun?

Tommy: I did the break-in. As for all that other mess that went down- What did Matthew say?

Cavanaugh: Look, you know how this works. First up, best dressed. You talk - And I might be able to help you out.

Jane: God, don't.

Korsak: Matthew got the same chance as this kid. He didn't take it.

Tommy: I was behind Matt when we came out of the back of the store. That cop came from out of nowhere. He was an old guy, so Matt got the gun away from him.

Cavanaugh: Then how'd your prints get on it?

Tommy: The cop was on the ground. Matt pointed the gun at him. I grabbed the gun, tried to stop him. But he just pulled the trigger. Shot him. He hates cops. This woman who was engaged to his mom was a cop.

Jane: Damn it. Matthew is gonna tell me what the hell happened!

Korsak: Not now, all right? Not while you're this angry.

Jane: Anger's the only thing I got anymore.

She goes to talk to Matthew.

Jane: I can do this alone.

Korsak: I know you can. I just don't want you to.

Jane: Leave him cuffed. What? You see this man? He's fighting for his life right now. And his four kids and his wife are crying their eyes out.

Matthew looks away from her.

Jane: Don't look away from me. Your buddy Tommy just gave you up.

Matthew: Nice try, Jane. Tommy's been my friend longer than you pretended to be my mom.

Jane: You might want to see this.

She shows him the video of Tommy giving him up.

Tommy: The cop was on the ground.
Matthew pointed the gun at him. I grabbed the gun, tried to stop him. But he just pulled the trigger. Shot him.

Jane: What do you have to say about that, Matthew?

Matthew: Go to hell.

Jane: (Sighs) What the hell is wrong with you?! Do you understand that if this officer dies, you're going to prison for the rest of your life?! (silence) Say something! Damn it! Say something!

In the Cafe

Veronica: I feel like living the last 11 years of my life over again. I took Matthew away from the only woman who ever gave a damn about him.

Jane walks up. Angela looks surprised.

Veronica: I could say "I'm sorry" every day for the rest of my life. But it still wouldn't be enough.

Jane: I don't know who that kid is.

Veronica: When we left you, he -- when I left you Matthew asked about you every day. "Where's ma?" "Why didn't ma come with us?"

Jane: What'd you say?

Veronica: That you were too involved with your own life, not us. That you weren't ever coming for us. He loves you, Jane. No matter what he tells you, he loves you.

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