Chapter 30

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At Jane's House

Lindsay, Korsak & Frost ring the doorbell. She answers it.

Jane: Oh, no.

Lindsay: I'm so sorry. Jane Rizzoli, you're under arrest for the murder of Stefanie Adams.

At the Jail

They put her in a cell with a bunch of women.

Gomez: I know you. You're the bitch that put my old man away.

Jane: No, that wasn't me.

Gomez: Yeah, it was. I've seen you before.

Jane: Many studies have indicated that eyewitness identifications can be wrong in up to 35% of cases when you account for lighting, distance, and visual acuity.

Gomez: You even sound like a cop.

Jane: I'm not.

Gomez: She's a cop.

Jane: I'm not a cop.

Gomez: Looks like this little bird picked the wrong place to land.

Gomez slaps her.

Guard: Oh! Get off her, Gomez!

She grabs Gomez.

Gomez: Get off me! Get off me! Get off!

Guard: You're getting two chits for that. You okay?

Jane: Yeah. Thanks.

Guard: You need medical attention?

Jane: Could I get some ice?

Guard: You got it. I'll get 'em to bring that ice. You need anything else, you ask for Mary Pat, you hear?

At Jane's House

Frankie: Olives and ketchup? You're not really gonna eat that, are you?

Lindsay: Well, it's moldy cheese or this. Jane doesn't have any food. What do you got on Stefanie Adams?

Frankie: Local girl. She's been working as a hooker for the last few years all over town.

Lindsay: Mm-hmm.

Frankie: She was employed at a high-end club, Hollow Venom, for about a year.

Lindsay: Yeah, yeah. A lot of celebrities go there.

Frankie: Well, word is she was the hook-up for drugs and women. Ivy-league dropout. Life fell apart when she developed a drug habit.

Lindsay: Smart con woman. That explains how she managed to convince Jane she was an artist.

Someone knocks on the door.

Frankie: I can go if you're expecting someone.

Lindsay: Oh, yeah, I've got a real romantic evening planned while my sister spends the night avoiding the showers in a women's prison.

Angela: May I come in?

Frankie: Come on, Lindsay.

Lindsay: What? I'm not stopping her.

Angela: All right, I'm sick about what happened today.

Lindsay: Yeah, me, too. W-why would you give that to Cavanaugh?

Angela: Because I couldn't give it to you.

Lindsay: Why not, Ma? Ever since Jane told you she had unprotected sex with Maura you've been out to get her.

Frankie: Lindsay. Be real. You've got her hair and fingerprints in her car, her skin under her nails. It-It's not Ma's fault she's in jail.

Lindsay: Why would you go to your boyfriend instead of me?

Angela: I was protecting you. I didn't want to put you in a position where you had to decide what to do with that video.

Lindsay: I know what I would've done with that video. I would've deleted it.

Angela: Oh, Lindsay, the cop in you would hate yourself if you did that.

Frankie: And you'd be charged with obstruction of justice.

Lindsay: Most I'd get is a year in jail.
Jane's looking at life.

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