Chapter 91

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Upstairs In the Bullpen

Jane: So, this is Miller with Kevin.
But we know it wasn't Miller who tried to grab Zack because of the footprint evidence.

Korsak: Seems like someone wants us to think the clown is back.

Frost: Somebody framed Brent Miller.

Korsak: It makes sense to frame him for a current kidnapping if he got away with Nick Hamilton's kidnapping in '88.

Jane: Wait a minute. What if Miller molested other boys 25 years ago? He left Boston, comes back. What if a grown-up victim saw him and decided it was payback time? Frankie, can you grab the incident reports, the ones of the kids that claimed they saw that clown in '88?

Frankie: There aren't that many. The three attempted kidnapping victims, Nick Hamilton, and, uh - oh, this one.
Derrick Johnson, 8. There's a note here "see additional information."

Jane: Well, the Detective's notes are in the archives.

Frankie: And there's also a VHS tape with an interview with the kid I can get 'em. Carol Lewis is the Detective. She retired about 10 years ago.

Jane: Yeah, grab everything you can find. Let's see what that boy has to say.

Frankie: Okay.

Looking at the Case Files

Jane: Derrick says a clown dressed like an American flag grabbed him at Turtle pond and molested him behind the big rocks.

Lindsay: So, why didn't Detective Lewis go forward with the case?

Korsak: Must have been something wrong with the case. She was a good cop, really competent.

Frost: I got it up.

Korsak: Play it.

Woman: Now, Derrick, why did you wait two weeks to tell your mom and dad that the clown bothered you?

Derrick: I don't know.

Woman: Were you afraid you might get in trouble?

Derrick: I was scared. He didn't want me to tell.

Woman: He? Who? The clown?

Derrick: No. I mean, I didn't want to.

Jane: He's lying.

Woman: Who's "he"? - What did the clown do?

Derrick: H-he saw us fishing.

Jane: "Us." Did you hear that? - He came out of the woods. He was with someone.

Frankie: The clown was in the woods? - Why is the clown in the woods at Turtle pond?

Jane: Shh! Shh! Shh! Shh!

Maura: What? You're talking.

Woman: Why were you in the woods? -

Derrick: I mean I wanted to fish at night.

Jane: He said it again! "We."

Korsak: There was no way that kid was out there by himself.

Derrick: And it got dark, and then I saw a face. And I got scared. And the face saw me, and it was the clown.

Jane: (whimpers) There's no way I'm going to sleep tonight.

Maura: (scoffs) Me, either.

Jane: Derrick Johnson would be 33 now. Frost, find out where he is. When did they pave over the trails at Turtle pond?

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