Chapter 32

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In the Morgue

Lindsay: I just want to get a look at her hyoid bone. I mean, what about an X-ray or an MRI?

Maura: That won't show you enough.

Lindsay: Fine. What about that fluoroscope thing?

Maura: Might work. We can at least see the tissue below the surface.

Lindsay: Okay, that. That that's bruising, right?

Maura: There's a distinctive subdural hematoma, yes. The shape of that bruise doesn't look like it would be caused by an elbow strike. It's more consistent with the shape of a closed fist.

Lindsay: That's weird. Why are those bruises there?

Maura: Those three distinctive oval marks? I don't know what could leave marks like that.

Lindsay: All right, well, it's it's more than we had before. Jane would be very proud of you.

Maura: She's my hero.

Upstairs in BRIC

Frost: I looked through bank security footage and I got a hit.

Lindsay: There she is Amanda Brown.

At the Bar

Lindsay: Yo, Amanda!

She stops and they walk up to her. Lindsay grabs her keys.

Lindsay: Would you look at that? I bet that would leave three distinct oval bruises.

Amanda: Do I know you?

Lindsay: No. This is a nice keychain. You know, it makes sense that you'd want to protect that million-dollar grip.
You can't use those soft hands to punch people.

Amanda: I have no idea what you're talking about.

Frost: Hell of a swing, too.

Lindsay: And with these brass knuckles, it would just take one good punch to the throat to kill Stefanie.

Amanda: Oh, my god.

Frost: Guess we're gonna have to park that Hummer in the impound lot.
Amanda Brown, you're under arrest for the murder of Stefanie Adams.

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