Chapter 42

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In the evidence garage at BPD looking over the body and the car.

Jane: There's no registration in here. Anybody find an I.d.?

Frost: Nope. Nothing.

Korsak comes up.

Korsak: Ran the plates. Registered to a dummy corporation. Guy's a ghost.

Maura: So, John Doe, mid 20s. He was in good health.

Jane: Except for the ice pick sticking out of his ear.

CSRU gives Jane a clipboard. She looks in over.

Jane: There's no fingerprints on the vehicle. Not even on the door handle.

Maura looks at his fingers.

Maura: He had none to leave.

Jane: What?

Maura: Burn Scars. Consistent with acid exposure.

Jane: Ouch.

Maura: It's deliberate. Excruciatingly painful process. There are 250 nerve receptors per square centimeter in the fingertips.

Jane: So, it would feel like a bazillion papercuts.

Maura: No. Scoring of the skin is the initial process. The additional pain would feel like each cut was being pulled apart by a pair of tweezers and doused with acid.

Jane: I think it's safe to say that this guy went to great lengths to remain a ghost.

Maura: Well, that's conjecture.

Jane: And conjecture this, too. There's nothing random about drilling an ice pick through his head. Whoever killed him was making a statement.

Korsak looks in the trunk.

Korsak: Hey, Rizzoli. You gotta see this.

Jane: What do you got? Oh-Hello Mr.Bourne Identity. What-Colorado, Pennsylvania, New York.

Korsak: Look at all these passports.

Frost: Maybe that's why he was killed?

Jane: Yeah, maybe he stole the wrong I.d.

Frost: What do you think? I.d. theft deal gone bad?

Korsak: Could still be organized crime. Used to be just about running weapons, drugs, money.

Frost: Yeah, now it's internet fraud.

Jane: That would explain the ATM cards.

Frost: Woah, check this out. Our victim was an artist. Looks like they've been done by a computer.

Maura: No. They're by hand. Well, this may be evidence of a very high I.Q.

Jane: Well, how much more evidence would you need?

Maura: Extensive use of Polyhedra. Geometric signs in three dimensions with flat faces and straight edges.

Jane: Maura, baby, stop with the google talking. It's not the time. This guy may be a thief, but he sure could draw. Those are cool.

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