Chapter 68

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At Maura's House

Jane: Maura!

Maura: In here.

Jane: What are you doing?

Maura: Child's pose. It's good for indigestion.

Jane: Only you would have a yoga room. How come I didn't know about this?

She starts to walk in..

Maura: No shoes.

Jane: Sorry. Do you want me to chant something to ward off the evil shoe spirits?

Maura: Couldn't hurt.

Jane goes down into Child's Pose.

Jane: Oh, yeah. Oh, that feels great. I could do this all day.

Maura: The judge would issue a bench warrant for you if you did.

Jane: I got your text.

Maura: Mm.

Jane: Show me a yoga pose that ends all problems.

Maura: Mm, we'd have to move to the yoga colony in Shivajinagar, Pune.

Jane: Poo-na? I'm not moving to Poo-na.

Maura: Do you miss your father?

Jane: Yeah, I do. You think if I tracked him down in Florida and forced myself to watch him snuggle with his slutty blond girlfriend that I wouldn't miss him so much?

Maura: No. What makes you think she's blond?

Jane: They're always blond. (her phone beeps) Okay, I got to go to court.

Maura: I'm coming with you.

Jane: You sure? You don't have to do that.

Maura: Yes, I do. That man is my father, and I have to see this through.

At Court

AUSA: And could you describe the location, Detective?

Jane: Oh, the Boston cemetery.

AUSA: Mm-hmm. And can you tell us what you found there?

Jane: A plastic bag with a blue ledger in it.

AUSA: Detective, is this the ledger that you found?

Jane: Yes.

AUSA: Thank you. No further questions.


AUSA: Okay, we're off to a good start. Thank you, both.

Jane: Okay.

Korsak and Frost come running toward them.

Jane: What? What is it?

Korsak: Your phones were off. Jackie Donovan is dead.

Maura: What?!

Frost: U.S. Marshals' car he was in was T-boned by a semi on Congress and Atlantic Avenue about 10 minutes ago.

Maura: That's just around the corner.

AUSA calls someone.

AUSA: Jackie Donovan's dead.

Jane: Paddy got to him.

Korsak: It looks like it.

Frost: Two U.S. Marshals are dead, too.

Maura: So, what does this mean for the trial?

Jane: It means Paddy won the first round.

Back In Court Session

AUSA: It is obvious that this is no accident, your honor. Five minutes before our key witness is supposed to testify and half a block away from your courtroom, he is killed by teamsters driving a truck? I think we all know who's behind this.

Lawyer: Your honor, there's no evidence that this is anything more than a tragic accident.

Jane: Tragic accident.

AUSA: The government asks for two days to regroup.

Lawyer: Two-day delay? Does counsel think he can resurrect a dead man?

Judge: As tragic as this is, let me remind you this trial has already started. Call your next witness.

AUSA: Your honor, the prosecution had anticipated-

Maura: Why can't he call his next witness?

Jane: He doesn't have another witness ready, and he certainly doesn't have another Jackie Donovan.

Lawyer: Your honor, my client has been in jail for over a year. The entirety of the government's case seems to rest on a now dead witness.

AUSA: We just need a continuance, your honor. We'll be ready in 48 hours.

Lawyer: At the very least, my client should be considered for bail.

Jane: Bail?

Maura: They'll never do that.

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